Photos Cold Steel for utility vs weapon knives ?

There is a curse on Cold Steel (actually not surprising, due to the antics of the owner) that devolves any discussion about their knives into self defense and legal arguments. Pity, because they make a lot of affordable, reliable and durable knives, too. Not only silly weapons.
They invite it. I mean, seriously, jump to 1:55 and watch to 2:25. :confused: Antics, indeed!

I've seen a lot of them, for the laughs. Honestly, that L.T guy is a true clown. Did you see that one where he tries to spear a water buffalo and ends up shooting it with a huge revolver ? Truth is, he's way better with the gun than with the spear (or the buffalo was way better than our guy Lynn). There are way more cringy Cold Steel videos with a peroxyded long haired guy who plays medieval.. those really burst the bottom of the barrel.
You mean Buck Medley, the guy who speared a fish on a Cold Steel katana machete? And then let it die in flopping agony on the ground as he grandstanded for the camera. There, but for the grace of God, go I.
That sounds just about what that clown would do. It's a total disservice to the brand, IMO, and a true offense. Slashing up pig carcasses may be perceived as funny or informative, but killing / injuring living animals for the show is an absolute NO in my book.
He's gotten fatter over the years it seems or he's another avatar of utter stupidity. He's a good benchmark of where (funny) stupidity goes over into full blown and despisable assholery.
I must say, once again, it's a pity that these antics somehow stain a brand that makes a lot of no nonsense, serviceable and durable knives. What are they thinking ? Are they thinking at all ? Do they think all knife buyers are brain dead or somehow numb ? Questions, questions,...
Slashing up pig carcasses may be perceived as funny or informative, but killing / injuring living animals for the show is an absolute NO in my book.

I have no objection to legitimate hunting. I acknowledge that in nature, animals are often killed slowly and tortuously as they are eaten alive, or digested in the belly of a snake, or whatever predator. BUT, we are not animals, and though our compassion ought to be directed primarily to our fellow human beings, we are still stewards over all creation, and as such should treat it in a dignified manner. We have the means, and the intellect to be able to kill our animal prey humanely, and I would say the duty as well. As humanely as possible, that is.

It's a total disservice to the brand

It is very much so. I love many Cold Steel products, and have owned many of their "tactical" knives, such as a Recon 1 clip point XL in CTS-XHP that was used for tactical yard work.

Currently I have a blue handled Tuff Lite that I reground to flat and I also ground off the peak between the finger grooves. It's a great work knife. And as far as general use knives, I like the voyager series as a platform, but I have never been completely happy with one as designed. I love the Spyderco Military, but when I grip the knife firmly, I get an uncomfortable amount of blade wiggle, even after greatly recessing the lockbar. So I decided recently to get a large Voyager clip point and mod it to be basically a Triad lock Millie in FRN. I did remove somebelly, though it is not quite the splinter picker that the Millie is, but it is close enough for my purposes. It's not quite done yet, needing a bit more hand sanding on the FRN, and I hope to eventually get a 14 mm round hole waterjetted into it, and tap it for tip down carry (if I can find a suitably shaped clip). At that point, I think it will be my "perfect" EDC. Perfect in quotations because my notion of perfect in a knife a constantly evolving (and thus costing me money! :rolleyes:).

He's gotten fatter over the years it seems or he's another avatar of utter stupidity. He's a good benchmark of where (funny) stupidity goes over into full blown and despisable ---holery.

I must say, once again, it's a pity that these antics somehow stain a brand that makes a lot of no nonsense, serviceable and durable knives. What are they thinking ? Are they thinking at all ? Do they think all knife buyers are brain dead or somehow numb ? Questions, questions,...

I would have choice words for such a one, though I would try to let them be tempered by the wisdom of Francis de Sales:

St. Francis said:
"Public, notorious sinners may be spoken of freely, provided always even then that a spirit of charity and compassion prevail, and that you do not speak of them with arrogance or presumption, or as though you took pleasure in the fall of others. To do this is the sure sign of a mean ungenerous mind.

That being said, it is a deplorable lack of compassion that prevailed in that video, and yet I declare that if that were the worst thing he had ever done, he would be a better man than I have been. I know I brought it up, but perhaps, if you don't mind, let us agree that it is wrong and demonstrates bad judgment and morality, and now let it pass as adequately condemned. And please note, I am not accusing you of the mean or ungenerous mind St. Francis warns of, but rather hoping to keep the discussion from going down that road. :)
After all these pictures (but there is a Spyderco in there), I am now very much provoked into taking a picture of all my Cold Steel knives. Dinner is ready, so... if I make it past the digestion phase, i will do. Wait for it but don't hold your breath.
I'd like to see it!
@ slicecream : I definitely get your point but as we are (supposedly) clever and moral beings, there will be much less leeway in these matters. And that's right. Higher standards of rights induce higher standards of responsibility (and accountability).
CS knives provide good value and have provided me with good service.
I do not like some of the antics - not even a little bit.
I would have choice words for such a one, though I would try to let them be tempered by the wisdom of Francis de Sales:

That being said, it is a deplorable lack of compassion that prevailed in that video, and yet I declare that if that were the worst thing he had ever done, he would be a better man than I have been. I know I brought it up, but perhaps, if you don't mind, let us agree that it is wrong and demonstrates bad judgment and morality, and now let it pass as adequately condemned. And please note, I am not accusing you of the mean or ungenerous mind St. Francis warns of, but rather hoping to keep the discussion from going down that road. :)
I think the discussion will be much more constructive that way.:thumbsup:
Couple of recently acquired Cold Steel knives that don't appear especially "tactical "
I don't know . . . they both look to me like they are just begging to stab through a car door or shred a pig carcass. :p

My fav Cold Steel work knives are :
  • Full flat ground (or convexed or FF and Wharncliffe) Ti Lite IVs (I have three now) . . . and a Razelized Ti Lite VI . . . no I'm not kidding.
  • Voyager Large (was there ever a better knife at that price; I think not).
Advertising is nearly always hype and BS . Designed to draw attention in a world already overwhelmingly jam-packed with ads and overstimulating entertainments .

I wanted to try to get past that, and point out that Cold Steel has many very practical , well built and more socially acceptable knife designs .

If I'm going out in public , I want at least one knife with me that's NOT intimidating . Low profile is good ! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup: