Recommendation? Convince me i need a becker in my life

If I could only have one Becker, it would be the king...

yeah that swayed it
The BK 9 would make a good camp knife, its a knife that can do knifey things and can chop with a decent exposed hilt for smashing and bashing things. And the handle people say is good. I'd suggest getting Kabar Becker Micarta handles, they may look "pricey" to some but really improve the grip and working with it i find. Regular handles also do well.

The BK 2 Companion is what it sounds like. A nice heavy duty 5" blade for about any thing that needs to be done. It is a highly recommended companion to the BK9, the Sweet 16, I don't have one, looks like a good general purpose smaller middling sized blade. (I have two BK2s they are pretty dang handy).
It has been said that the BK-9 is a knife that can chop effectively versus a chopper than that can do finer work. I don't believe the 9 is as big as a Junglas but it is still a big knife, though it will be far more manageable when attempting to do tasks that are suited for smaller blades.

The 9 was my first Becker and if for whatever reason I needed to get rid of my other Becker knives (gods forbid), the 9 is the one that would have to be pried from cold, possibly dead fingers. It is a great knife that very few, if any, regret acquiring. If, by some very slim chance, you buy it and you don't like it, there will be no difficulty off loading it.

Buy one, use the crap out of it, take lots of pictures, and report back to us. We'd love to share in your experience.

Pics, because threads are always better with pics.



