custom shop has magnacut for 110, 112, 113, 119, 501 and 722

Back from the custom shop, Buck Knives Inc. Buck Knives Inc. really did me right with this! Thank you, Matt!

Found this in the mailbox on Saturday, and am super pleased with this one… very well put together, really nice grind, and killer ironwood handles. Really going to enjoy carrying this one for a long time!


My goodness! That Ironwood is stunning!
That ironwood is fantastic!

Man, that is some beautiful grain in your ironwood! Congrats!

Nice! I've built many knives on the Custom Shop site using ironwood, but never hit the "Add To Cart" button. Both of my customs are of the $0 wood far.

Beautiful knife, enjoy it.

My goodness! That Ironwood is stunning!

If I knew I could get one like that, I'd order it now.
That's nice!

Wow! What beautiful wood on your 112! That is a beautiful knife.

Thank you all for the kind words. There are so many stunning knives being posted around here, I’m happy to have a fancy one to show myself!
Maybe Buck "can't" because C&C had SFO's for the the 110, 112, and several other 100 series FB's with a 5160 blade?

Thank you for this. I was wondering what my 60th Anniversary was.
maybe, but that was many years ago......
I am waiting for a110 with magnacut and stag, nickle bolsters and liners with no finger grooves coming that my wife ordered for me as a gift in mid dec….she did really well with the choosing of options, but there was not an option for rivets wish I would certainly prefer. They look great on yours and I guess they recently stopped offering that option with stag recently? Kind of bums me out as these things are pricey and I feel a little slighted by Buck now…oh well, not my custom shop to run as I like, but I will still love the knife specifically because of my wife’s kind nature!
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Alas! I had somehow got it in my head that the delivery estimate for my knife (501 in elk and Magnacut) was 1/13, but I just checked the E-mail and it's actually 1/23!
I am waiting for a110 with magnacut and stag, nickle bolsters and liners with no finger grooves coming that my wife ordered for me as a gift in mid dec….she did really well with the choosing of options, but there was not an option for rivets wish I would certainly prefer. They look great on yours and I guess they recently stopped offering that option with stag recently? Kind of bums me out as these things are pricey and I feel a little slighted by Buck now…oh well, not my custom shop to run as I like, but I will still love the knife specifically because of my wife’s kind nature!

I did notice that rivets are no longer an option with elk but I have no idea when that changed.

I am sure your knife will look fantastic! I have a couple 110’s from the custom shop with and without rivets and they all look great to me! That is one awesome gift to receive!
Well, I finally got my Magnacut and elk Squire in today. It’s beautiful, but there is a pretty big issue that I’ll discuss below. First the pictures:





Now for the bad news. There are major issues with the opening and closing action on this knife. The pivot is far too tight — so tight that it neither snaps open smoothly nor biases closed: I have to push the blade all the way to the closed or open position. There also seems to be something wrong either with the lock or with the tang where the corners are rounded, with the result that there is some sort of grinding when opening or closing. Together these issues are so bad that I find it hard to believe that whoever assembled it wasn’t aware of them.

It’ll go back to Buck, and I have no doubt they’ll fix it in the end. But after all the waiting and anticipation this is a huge let down. And this makes two out of my three Custom Shop knives that has had to go back immediately for pretty obvious and egregious flaws. I am not a happy customer tonight.

Buck Knives Inc. Buck Knives Inc. Would you like me to mark this package so you see it?
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Well, I finally got my Magnacut and elk Squire in today. It’s beautiful, but there is a pretty big issue that I’ll discuss below. First the pictures:





Now for the bad news. There are major issues with the opening and closing action on this knife. The pivot is far too tight — so tight that it neither snaps open smoothly nor biases closed: I have to push the blade all the way to the closed or open position. There also seems to be something wrong either with the lock or with the tang where the corners are rounded, with the result that there is some sort of grinding when opening or closing. Together these issues are so bad that I find it hard to believe that whoever assembled it wasn’t aware of them.

It’ll go back to Buck, and I have no doubt they’ll fix it in the end. But after all the waiting and anticipation this is a huge let down. And this makes two out of my three Custom Shop knives that has had to go back immediately for pretty obvious and egregious flaws. I am not a happy customer tonight.

Buck Knives Inc. Buck Knives Inc. Would you like me to mark this package so you see it?
I am sorry about that. If you can PM your order number I will get you a pre-paid label to get it back here and have it come straight to me.
I am waiting for a110 with magnacut and stag, nickle bolsters and liners with no finger grooves coming that my wife ordered for me as a gift in mid dec….she did really well with the choosing of options, but there was not an option for rivets wish I would certainly prefer. They look great on yours and I guess they recently stopped offering that option with stag recently? Kind of bums me out as these things are pricey and I feel a little slighted by Buck now…oh well, not my custom shop to run as I like, but I will still love the knife specifically because of my wife’s kind nature!
The elimination of rivets with Elk scales is in fact, fairly recent. It seems to have happened sometime in the last 6 months.

I can only assume that Buck had to discard too much Elk because it was cracking when peening the rivets. I assume it was costing them too much waste but that is only a guess.
As promised:



The repaired knife is much better. Still a little stiff and the spring is very strong compared to my other 501’s, but it will loosen up with time, I think. The main problem of it not even closing is gone.