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Cutlery Corner Network knives?

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DryPipe, what do you have against Tennessee? For goodness sakes don't paint a whole state with a brush dipped in one horrible example.

Anyway, yeah CCN is an abomination. Anyone who can't figure that out for themselves deserves what they get.
I still like to watch it when I can't sleep.
DryPipe, what do you have against Tennessee? For goodness sakes don't paint a whole state with a brush dipped in one horrible example.

Anyway, yeah CCN is an abomination. Anyone who can't figure that out for themselves deserves what they get.

Has nothing to do with the State of Tennessee. I am saying that Tennessee is famous for producing the typical "sales con men" who often practice their craft within the state and on the road. After the Civil War, many so called "snake oil sales men" came from Tennessee and that trend or tradition has been passed on with our CCN boys. Maybe this type of dishonest sales, targeted toward un-educated knife saps, is in their blood? Maybe this technique is a type of business-mindset that is passed on from sales "instructor" to sales apprentice within that particular part of the country?
As a whole, I'm not trying to say that the state is bad in any way. Tennessee is a wonderful place to visit!

As P.T. Barnum may have said, or someone to this effect: "There is a sucker born every minute."
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It is easy to bash CCN but the fact of the matter is that they sell cheap knives cheap. Some people don't care if the get a Benchmade quality knife. Some maybe just want to buy some cheesy decorative knife. They do sell Case, Buck and other quality brands as well. I have purchased a couple Frost knives and they are the biggest piles of shit I have ever seen. The funniest thing about the show is how they say that they are running out of quantity, then they air the same knives for the next 5 shows. Todd Boone is a tool, Tom O'dell is a laugh riot. OH MY MY!
I agree with you. CCN does sell "quality" knives like Buck and Case but you are NOT getting ANY $ VALUE $ for your dollar, as advertised by the boys on their snow job show!!!! A Case yellow trapper knife that sells for $34.95 on the show, is NOT a $50.00 VALUE as advertised by a Todd Boone, Tom O'Delle or Shela Travis especially when you have to pay $11.35 for shipping!! That $34.95 Case trapper is the exact same price found everywhere in any knife retail store or website in the country. There is No VALUE.
The only value you may get is if CCN offers a $30.00 Buck #110 hunting knife for $15-17.95 PLUS, maybe, FREE shipping. Now that would be true "VALUE" for your dollar!!;)
I agree with you. CCN does sell "quality" knives like Buck and Case but you are NOT getting ANY $ VALUE $ for your dollar, as advertised by the boys on their snow job show!!!! A Case yellow trapper knife that sells for $34.95 on the show, is NOT a $50.00 VALUE as advertised by a Todd Boone, Tom O'Delle or Shela Travis especially when you have to pay $11.35 for shipping!! That $34.95 Case trapper is the exact same price found everywhere in any knife retail store or website in the country. There is No VALUE.
The only value you may get is if CCN offers a $30.00 Buck #110 hunting knife for $15-17.95 PLUS, maybe, FREE shipping. Now that would be true "VALUE" for your dollar!!;)

They are the slimy used car salemen of the retail cutlery world.
Well, well. I guess Mr. James A. Frost is actually reading this thread after all. It appears that the fake phone "ringing" recordings in the background of the CCN studio have stopped! What, no orders being placed? Have all the Cutlery Corner Network operators quit or maybe their union is on strike?
That's ok, all that sequenced timed ringing was keeping me awake anyway. Maybe all that fake ringing was keeping Mr. Frost and Mary awake?
Just maybe, as the Christmas rush to buy gifts gets closer, the "phone operators" will be back at work and we will hear the phones "ring" again?:jerkit:
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Eleven - oh - one ... eiggghtteeeen sixxxteenn is the item number on this one. :D J/K they suck. Period. I think. I have never owned one.
I cant say they are the best made in the world, but have purchased a ton
of these in the past to take and place them in our local stores to sale and they went pretty fast. I myself have a few fixed blades that was purchased from them and are quite nice to be honest about it. Not the best blade steels, but holds up to what I need them for. Wouldnt suggest taking them into a combat situation. I would however use them in the outdoors and not
think twice about it....Great service also.....;)
Careful now. The boys are slick. Now, what happened to the phoney telephone rings sounds on the CCN set? No orders coming in? Does Mary know where the operators are? Maybe Mrs. Frost knows about the faux operators?
y'all haven't figured it out yet...the OP was tom o'dell...trying to see what real knife people thought of his "deals"....the result probably wasn't what the OP wanted to hear...so he hasn't been back....

that's my theory...and i'm stickin' to it.

God Bless


lee,i think drypipe was the op.
he sure seems to know alot about it....i think he was under
an alias so he wouldn't get cracked on for buying that set of
silverhorse,or was that silverfish?lol.
that's my story,and i'm using super glue to stick it.
attn:drypipe,don't try :jerkit: with super glue.;)
Hay Jdracing,
Yes, I will admit that the only true to life :jerkit: off that I had experienced, which resulting from my most stupid late night decisions, was when I walked down to my mail box early one October morning and opened up my CCN "Big Jim's Mystery Box". It was only then that I realized...

... Well, let's just say that when I opened up my "Big Jim's Mystery Box", a little Rebel jumped out and landed on my right shoulder. On my shoulder, he got up on his little bare tip toes to reach my ear. He began to clasp both his little hands close to his red glowing jowls, as if to pray I thought, and offered me a whispered secret of old time wisdom.

.... And do you know what that little old boy told me?
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ok,the suspense is killin me.
what did he tell you?

i always wondered what was in one of those mystery boxes.

i have a few of the german bull,and steel warrior knives.
they look really good,but i don't use them so there only
for display.
and yes,i too have bought a few items from there like
a steel warrior,10 piece peanut set for my sons birthday
a few years back.
he only displays them,but that uncle lucky sure is a beaut.
they would probably be good for little jobs,but not like what
you would expect from a high end knife for sure.
there nice to display just the same,
Watched them for a long time when I can't sleep.
Thought I would try them out the other night, wish I hadn't.
Bought 24 tactical knives (came out to $47.00 with shipping)
Was gonna give some away and use a some.
What Chinese junk! Cheap materials, bad fit and finish, all Frost logo's.
Too embarrassed to give them to anyone I know.
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