Death chat begins......

I WISH I could get some sleep this morning. But it ain't gonna happen. The sister in law has emergency appendix surgery last night. Seems she got a large stone in her appendix causing it to burst.
Oh, did I mention THEY made her wait in the Emergency for AT LEAST 4 hours even AFTER she told them that she felt something "Give".
I WISH I could get some sleep this morning. But it ain't gonna happen. The sister in law has emergency appendix surgery last night. Seems she got a large stone in her appendix causing it to burst.

:eek:ouch!!!! A lot of people getting sliced lately, it seems.....
Oh, did I mention THEY made her wait in the Emergency for AT LEAST 4 hours even AFTER she told them that she felt something "Give". certain that she isn't in Canada???:rolleyes:
I'm sorry, that was kind of a cheap shot. They, generally, don't let people linger in pain even if our system is backed up.
Hey, we're BOTH Americans. Only difference is the one we've got in a Big White house is an Idiot and is Purposely intent on ruining our country. Y'all got any job openings up there for an old Redneck?
And I know this first hand. I had to brief a bunch of your pilots once while I was in Idaho. After Our Wing commander found a BRIGHT orange "Roo" sticker on his aircraft he kinda got a little peeved. Oh and it was a MALE Roo!

Lol - no harm done ! ;)

Welcome back Tom ! ;)
My wife says I am to Politically outspoken. I just think I an Honorable Patriot!:D
Just to make things clear; RLB has the money, and I have the good looks!:D

Man, finally got caught up with all the posts!:eek: