Death chat begins......

Enjoyed it I think. Got hack to the shop at around 10:30 this morning. Not gonna lie it was a long day. Really wanted to take a nap kost of the day. We did grill some steaks though so that helped make it through the day. Tonight is just gomna be a few beers for me. Drank to much vodka and cabo last night.

All ready heard who won the Hockey game between US vs RUS, but man I also heard the whinning going on. This is going to get funny!!!
Yeah', well..........................................................:p............................:D
Fortaleza Blanco tequila and Bohemia beer out for fish tacos tonight. Just getting home and switching to Lagunitas Day Time dry hopped. Oh yeeaah. :thumbup:
Just got back from some fancy words for what equated to Duck Breast over Marmalade as an appetizer, then the misses and I had Ribeye's, potatoes, and some carrots/chard sauteed.

I used my Kershaw to cut it all up in the busy restraunt, gettin' lots of looks, wish I woulda had my Rodent Solution, it would have enjoyed the steak.
Made some bacon mushroom burgers and shrimp nachos tonight. Washed it with Yeungling. It was a great night so far.

Fixing to fire up the grill and fix me a ribeye steak. Wife is working so just more for That post last night of the steak is still on my mind.
Yeah I was thinking about that ribeye from last night too, so I grilled some ribeye tonight and had a few Coors light. Now I'm having my usual after dinner scotch and cigar. What a great weekend:)
:thumbup:Grilled a couple of ribeye and a couple T bone.

What a great weekend:)
