Did Leo find his Revenant?

Guys, these pics are awesome! Gives me such a great feeling knowing how much each of you are enjoying the knives. This is exactly why I make knives of my own brand. The feeling that I enjoy when I see everyone display the tool they choose and the high I get once completing a knife. Thank you everyone!!
Man, I gotta say, all these Revenant pics are really making me want one. Especially Tony's Osage beauty. [emoji16] At first they seemed more like "collectors " to me and these days I can't afford anymore safe queens. The Outlander aside of course [emoji12]. However, seeing the EDC model really has me thinking. Now I just have to wait for the right one.

Edit: About 15 minutes after I typed the above I checked IG and of course Allen posts an Osage EDC Revenant. [emoji23]

I'm waiting for the right EDC Revenant to call to me as well - on a day when I can afford to spend the money! The problem is that Allen knows my weaknesses, and is merciless in his strategies. :D He seems to attack just when he knows my defenses are crumbling. What are friends for, huh?

But seriously, regarding collecting vs. carrying. Why don't you let me send my full sized Revenant to you to check out? I mentioned previously that I have a full sized Fighter from the Kansas City show, and it is indeed a collector piece. But the Revenant...well, while I can't exactly carry it around town, I carry this thing pretty much daily around my farm. It is a full-on user knife for me. When I'm looking for one of my large blades, it's always between my Revenant, the Bison, or a Rechsteiner Nessmuk I love that could break bones.

I'd be happy to loan you my Revenant if you have an interest. Otherwise, I'll see you on Wednesdays as we search for the perfect mini-Rev.

Douglas, that Osage is beautiful!!! Don't you love how the blue works with the orange! Congratulations on landing a great knife, in a stunning combination. I think you, me, and some guy I know up North have the Osage Trio right now.
I'm waiting for the right EDC Revenant to call to me as well - on a day when I can afford to spend the money! The problem is that Allen knows my weaknesses, and is merciless in his strategies. :D He seems to attack just when he knows my defenses are crumbling. What are friends for, huh?

But seriously, regarding collecting vs. carrying. Why don't you let me send my full sized Revenant to you to check out? I mentioned previously that I have a full sized Fighter from the Kansas City show, and it is indeed a collector piece. But the Revenant...well, while I can't exactly carry it around town, I carry this thing pretty much daily around my farm. It is a full-on user knife for me. When I'm looking for one of my large blades, it's always between my Revenant, the Bison, or a Rechsteiner Nessmuk I love that could break bones.

I'd be happy to loan you my Revenant if you have an interest. Otherwise, I'll see you on Wednesdays as we search for the perfect mini-Rev.

Douglas, that Osage is beautiful!!! Don't you love how the blue works with the orange! Congratulations on landing a great knife, in a stunning combination. I think you, me, and some guy I know up North have the Osage Trio right now.

Tony, that's a super generous offer! Thanks so much. I'm actually leaving for tour tonight and won't be home until early February though. I'll definitely be in touch when I'm back home though. Right now I'm living in the suburbs but I'd love to handle one and do some small backyard tests with it. Nothing too harsh, I promise. :D

The knife definitely would've been perfect for me when I was living in Massachusetts. I was on 7 acres that bordered the woods and I had about 5 different trail heads within 10 minutes of my house. Right now I'm still looking for good places to go hiking here in Georgia. I know they're around but I don't know where yet. I've been too busy with moving and work to go exploring.

Thanks again good sir. I'd definitely like to get one in hand and get the feel of it for sure! :thumbup:
Douglas, that Osage is beautiful!!! Don't you love how the blue works with the orange! Congratulations on landing a great knife, in a stunning combination. I think you, me, and some guy I know up North have the Osage Trio right now.

Tony you're absolutely right that blue really pops next to that orange. This is my first Osage of any size worth mentioning and it's so beautiful!

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