Dream Shop - Old Shop Demolition finished. Demo photos added.

The 30 yard dumpster is being delivered in the morning. Anyone who wants to help pack it full is welcome. I will be working on clearing the debris Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Call or email me if you can help. Bring any friends who want to come.
Glad I came out early. It is already pushing 90 and I have been at it for two hours. I have the shop walls and floor sliced into 2 foot wide pieces and stacked in one large but neat pile. I am starting to do the same to the roof. I wamt all pieces to be less than 100 pounds in the likely case I have to load most of it in the dumpster myself.

I am going to try and salvage a 12X8 foot section of the floor platform to use as a base to build a small shop for my grandsone.

I am taking a break in the shade while typing this and watching the blue tailed skinks scurry around me eating all the big black ants that are running about on the platform. They aren't paying me much mind at all.
I loaded the whole thing single handed yesterday. I had a few guys coming but things came up for them. It was a nice day and I just worked steady with lots of breaks and bottled water. One guy showed up at 5PM and helped pick up the small trash and stuff to toss in on top of everything.

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