EDC VI Which knife or knives are you carrying today?

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I have my first Sebenza with me today. It came on Saturday, a large 21 with bocote inlay.

It oozes quality, and attention to detail. However, it is not for me.
I just finished lunch with this guy. I cannot seem to not use it and that's earned patina. Oddly, what most of its patina came from was a grilled pork chop and asparagus meal. I love using this knife for eating and cutting veggies. I bought it for track days, so I'd have a knife to use, because most of us grill meat. I also love limes in my water. It really does well, in its purpose and some.

I don't typically "color-coordinate", but these just felt so right together:)


Sweet set-up there, my friend. Interesting blade, and that old-school style aviator watch is nice, too. And nice pic!

I went a bit more traditional today with a Nomad Hunter along for visiting some of our hunting properties:

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