Endura / Delica - update - need input

Delica / Endura improvements:

Few. These are proven classics. Congratulations.


I really like a finger choil between the blade and handle,
VG-10 or S30v Steel on FRN and Stainless versions,
large thumb holes with smoothed edges,
G-10 with steel liners,
and yes, I too, like a flat grind...

My two cents ;)
Thanx much. We appreciate the input.

For those that say no changes, you can see by the suggestions that changes are needed. It's been 6 years since the last new mold. We've modified this mold 3 times to deal with the clip seat in the FRN as well as changed blade steel and grind(CQI). The current version is much stronger than the earlier models. But I'd still like to improve the whole "clip solution".

We have thousands of "copies" in the marketplace, there are now many "legitimate" companies making knives with our features. Competition is getting better and it's time for design mods.

One thing I forgot to mention. How about either a titanium or aluminum handle with holes in it to reduce weight. Something like Tom Mayo does.
Sal, you mentioned that you would like to improve the "clip solution". I am one of those who would hate to see the Delica/Endura model go to a wire clip. My wife has a Meercat and she caught the wire clip on the steering wheel of her car (don't ask) and it not only bent the clip, but tore the vinyl on the steering wheel as well. I had a devil of a time getting that wire clip bent back to original shape. In this case, I feel a stamped steel clip would have done less damage and also been easier to bend back. In the past you have said that the wire clips are more expensive to manufacture. If this is the case, why not incorporate the features of the wire clip into a stamped steel one? By this I mean, instead of the clip being flat where it fits into the handle, why not have the edges there fold down. That way you could change the mold to have two slots next to the barrell bolt the way the wire clip of the Native III fits. If you made the slots deep enough and the part of the clip that fits there long enough, I would think it would work just like the wire clips in eliminating the twisting that some folks have a problem with. It would also keep costs down, at least in the long run. I would also like to second the lack of a coating on the clip. I recently ordered a Rescue jr clip and barrell screw from SFO and put it on my Delica 98. I love the way it looks.

Also, as just one thing to mention about the clips. I may be in the minority, but I like having the Spyderco "bug" on my clip! :D I don't know, maybe its silly, but I since I have changed to the shiny clip, more people have noticed the bug on the clip and made positive comments about it. To me, it (like the Benchmade butterfly) help to "soften" the tactical look about the knives. The women especially think that it is "cute". Me, I just think it looks cool. :cool:
Looks and appearance have to figure in there somewhere right? I know Spyderco has always gone for function over ascthetics (sp?). But thats part of what brought me to Spyderco in the first place. Your knives looked like nothing else out there. They are attention getters. Some people think that Triumph speed triple is a weird looking motorcycle with its bug-eyed hooligan looks, but the one guy in town who owns one allways gets people gathered around it whenever we do a group ride. Its the same way with Spyderco knives.

Hope this helps some.

i've had FRN Endura's since 1988....dont change it too much!

better clip....satin finish......limited runs in FRN in other colors!
I think the handles should be shaped more like the Calypso Jr.’s (I would also prefer a flat ground blade, but I realize that most people like the looks of a sabre grind).

Keep the blade shapes, except for a coil more like the Calypso Jr. and I think that the holes should be made bigger like on the Pacific Salt (I also like the traction grooves on the back of the hump).

I would keep the flat black clip and redesign only to correct any durability problems.

An adjustable pivot would be nice as long as it wouldn’t push the price up too much.

- Frank
Please modify the pocket clip to use screws, similar to the Yojimbo I recently purchased.

Your company makes great products. The Yojimbo and DODO are two of my favorites.
My initial thought was to supply a long list of changes, but then I realized that might cause these classics to loose their recognition.

I would like to see the basic handle and blade shape retained. I would like to see the molded checkering more aggressive for enhanced grip. It would be great if some type of traction pattern could be applied to the top edge where the thumb would make contact. Also a clip that allows the knife to sit lower in the pocket would be preferred.
I would also go with a full flat grind, but I like the old handle style better-the pointier butt, and the thicker frn by the pivot point.. The only other thing that I would suggest for all spydies is to have the corner that is exposed (where the blade meets the lock or stop pin) when closed covered by a little more handle.
I will go along with the "no wire clips" crowd--for SD drawing they're almost impossible. I'm perfectly happy with the barrel clip mounting as is.

I'd like to see steel go to S30V as with the Native--its price point hasn't suffered much as a result.

Thumb hole could be a little larger, and thumb grooves would be nice if not overdone.

A full flat grind would be my #1 improvement assuming the blade shape didn't suffer as a result, as has been suggested--especially since the Calypso is a speed run and not a regular production item.

If there are model(s) sorely in need of upgrading it would be the Delica 2/Endura 2. Better performing steel, and either G-10 handles or drilled steel handles--the plain steel is too heavy IMO (I started with an original Endura so that's my bias), and far too lacking in gripping texture. There will always be those who want greater sturdiness from their folders and dislike FRN handles, and I suspect they'd be willing to pay $20-30 more per unit for that sturdiness--I know I would, but I may be in the minority. FWIW, a drilled handle would also put me in the market for an all-steel Police.
I noticed there was not much mention of steel liners???

Steven, I ws surprized to hear you say that no changes were really needed. Weren't you pitching me on the Griptillian recently ;)

What I need is for you to be saying, "the Grip is a good knife, but I have to admit the Delica is better" :) .

What do we need to do to make that happen? :p

I see little need for steel liners from a "function" point of view. _However_, if they can be done without substantially increasing the price point, then they'd have the not-to-be-underestimated quality of making the knife more attractive to the market.

...But I doubt it can be done without increasing the price point :cool:

So, to turn this around a little, what do _you_ think most needs changing, Sal? What are you guys talking about as the most important refinements? I'd be really interested to know what y'all're discussing down in Golden. :D
I think that they are great as well. The major change that I would want would be the addition of a guard to keep your hand from slipping up onto the blade. Also, a larger whole would be nice. Make sure to keep it thinm that's one of teh greatest things about the knife. I think FRN is fine but a special run in g-10, micarta, or carbon fiber would be cool. Thanks. -Lev
I have the SS and FRN delicas and Enduras

1)Flat grind for all

2)For the SS full serrated, pls don't serrate all the way up to the tip--follow the FRN ones, that leave off before the tip to give more tip strength

3)Is there any way to put some traction pattern onto the steel handles?

4)The FRN ones are as good as they can get, maybe have an extra option for tip-down carry too?

5)Maybe a delica/endura "plus" with a stronger lock?

6)Please don't put any guard on it, I like the handle the way it is, especially the delica, which is dead easy to hold in a palm-reinforced grip

The delicas and enduras are usually what I buy as gifts for non-knife familiar people, I think they are really safe and reliable.

Keep up the good work
Sal Glesser said:
What I need is for you to be saying, "the Grip is a good knife, but I have to admit the Delica is better" :) .

What do we need to do to make that happen? :p


Now that's an interesting question. For me, the endura works better than the Grip as-is, because when I'm going to carry a lightweight knife, I want it to be as carryable as possible ... so I'll happily carry the thinner endura, even though the grip has an axis lock.

So I look at endura vs. grip as a tradeoff. To make it not a tradeoff, so endura is superior to the griptilian any way you look at it, you'd need to look at the scorecard:

Steel: endura
Opening mechanism: endura
Blade shape: matter of preference, call this a push (me, I prefer endura)
Handle comfort/security: push
Carryability: endura
Lock and frame strength/stability: griptilian

And, since the pakal knife discussion is so hot:
Suitable for pakal: yes for griptilian, no for endura (lockback too easy to accidently engage in pakal grip).

That certainly leads to some interesting possible changes: is there a lock and frame design you can stick on that won't kill the endura's form-factor (obviously, the endura will end up bigger/heavier, but hopefully not by that much), and ideally, is suitable for a pakal grip?

Joe Talmadge said:
That certainly leads to some interesting possible changes: is there a lock and frame design you can stick on that won't kill the endura's form-factor (obviously, the endura will end up bigger/heavier, but hopefully not by that much), and ideally, is suitable for a pakal grip?


Do you really think there is that much of a market for self-defense endura's? I see them as a much more utility knife, and while of course they can be used otherwise, this isn't their primary function. IMHO to change the Endura/Delica from a lockback to something else and adding more wieght by beefing up the frame would destroy them.

The lockback is simple and very effective. There isn't much to "screw-up" in making one, and they are very strong.

Added weight is a no-no with this model. The main reason for carrying an endura over a stiffer framed knife is the weight savings. Besides the frame is strong enough as is. I have never heard of anyone breaking the handles off one. I believe stiffening the frame would only serve to get some of the "cheap" feel out of the handles; not something I would be willing to add weight for.
Sal Glesser said:
What I need is for you to be saying, "the Grip is a good knife, but I have to admit the Delica is better" :) .

What do we need to do to make that happen? :p


I already think the Delica is better, but lets make it even more so. ;)

Already the Delica is a better cutter, at least in my oppinion. Giving it a fully flat-ground blade will enhance it's cutting ability even more.

The lock is something you cannot beat them on, IMHO. Benchmade has created a following around their axis lock. I prefer the lockback over any other lock type, becuase their isn't anything to fail, but I concede that I am in the vast minority.

The cheap feeling in the handles exists in both models. I feel the a pattern like the Calypso Jr.'s gives better grip, AND enchances the visual appeal of the handles. Changing the mold would help take the cheap feeling away.

Spyderco's current clip is fine, but as someone else suggested making it go into the handles like a wire clip would prevent it getting torqued out of place.

Sal, you don't have anythign to really improve other then those things above. You have a better opening system, a more light-weight package, and better steel. If you can beat Benchmade in those other catagories you might be able to wrestle a bunch of the market away from the griptillian. Hell, if the market still doesn't get it, at least you will have all the knife-knuts behind you.