Handle Frame of Mind

Redmeadow Knives

John Conner
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Aug 29, 2010
Frame Handle Bowie progress thread.

I'll also be revealing another project that I've been working on that will go into it's own thread eventually.

On top of those projects, there are also full tangs in the works, one of which being the Model #2.

Brace yourself
2019 is Coming
The design I'm working on for this first one is a bird's head handle with a 10ish inch blade.

I need to settle on the materials for the frame, liners, and scales. Any suggestions are welcome.

If you're not familiar with frame handle construction, it's pretty interesting, and labor intensive.

By the way, I'm going to save the giraffe bone for a coffin handle on the next one, I'd like to get one under my belt before I massacre those.
At the risk of raising a controversy - this is exactly the kind of work situation intended for robots.
Holy Smokes :eek:

Otherwise - I like where this thread will go...

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.....this is exactly the kind of work situation intended for robots.
Holy Smokes
Ed was later replaced by a robot, but the stress was too much for them to handle.
Getting the Mill set up and the bench rearranged. I've got a screwless vise, collets, and end mills on the way, they should be here day after tomorrow.

I need to make sure my tang is the right length and thickness for the frame and get this blade profiled.

There's quite a few ways to secure the tang to the frame, threaded tangs, finials, welding, soldering, brazing, staking, pinning, liners, hidden pins, lions and tigers and bears. I'm not gonna try to reinvent the wheel, but I am gonna try a bit of a different way.
It's just short of 15" on paper. The design works in my head, I just gotta get it out of there.

Between the class that me, Sheldon and Chance took at Blade West with David Lisch and the Frame Handle class I watched on Instagram by JR Cook, I understand the concept of a Frame Handle better, and know just enough to screw it up, so this should be fun.
The doing is in the doing grasshopper.

Enjoy. Looking forward to pictchas.

Blade and frame are profiled, the tooling I need for the mill came in a day early. I'll get the vise mounted and should be breaking end mills and swearing by the end of the night:D
Do I even have to say what I think about this?