
JK Knives

Mar 6, 2001
It’s me. I just wanted to share what is going on. I feel good, walking slowly, but I’m a little messed up in my head. The surgeon feels like she saw or felt a mass or tumor when she was fixing me. She got samples of some stuff she removed but doesn’t think she got it all. What she did get showed no cancer, but she is not convinced. I have talked to the oncologist, he will be doing another MRI in mid December to see what he finds. He said if it’s cancer and has spread he might have to remove my leg. I’m not going to allow that.
Hi You. Very sorry to hear of your struggles and this uncertainty. I wish you only the best and that you can find comfort from family and friends and good news from your next consult. Yes, as L lmalterna writes - you have the best of a role model. She has inspired us all.
I am tooting for you, John!
Good to hear from you, and we'll be hoping for a positive report in the next post.
Thanks to Connie for keeping us updated with posts and pictures.
Don't be afraid to call if you just want to have a chat.