I got "The Rarest Bali-Song in the World"!?!

Wow that is a thing a beauty....how much that run you? Gotta be some serious cash...
The pivot pins are not adjustable.........I think they started life as button-head machine screws that were turned smooth on the last 2/3's of their length and then very carefully fitted and contoured to the handles radius. After the handles were anodized and the hole chamfers and tang pin cups were mirror polished, the knife was assembled one more time and the pivot pins were home to stay.

The blade is deeply hollow-ground (Jody's trademark) but falls in size between a 4" and 5" knife. It is much wider than any other WeeHawk blade that I have ever seen and IS razor sharp top and bottom.

PS- To kind of answer the last post, I could have bought 30 or 40 BM 42's...........:)