January Sale

JK Knives

Mar 6, 2001
For those of you who have been around a while, you probably know that when I stop shipping orders in early December, I make knives for a sale around the beginning of January. I plan on doing it again this year. Plans are to make several EDC size knives for immediate delivery.
Hi JK, I'm interested, since I'm new to your sub forum is there a list to get on or first come first served, thanks Frank
Will you post them here or start a new thread? I'm always interested in your new creations.
I can't stop thinking about your nessmuk...

but, as bikerector said, still looking forward to seeing what you come up for January!
got an idea for you JK

A percentage of profits from Fiddleback Friday will go to our charity of choice, “Give Us Paws”.

I'm always impressed when I see them doing this for their weekly Friday sale things, donating some of their proceeds to charity. their chosen charity look pretty good, training service animals to work with vets in Houston TX.

have you ever tried something like this? choosing a charity that is meaningful to the demographic your knives attract and doing this, it could translate to a meaningful selling point

I mean, you can bet seeing that note about donating proceeds to charity, and knowing they're chosen what seems like a fine charity that shares value I care about, it makes it that MUCH harder to NOT keep buy stuff from them every week or two (there was some fiddle-withdrawal at first, but I think I'm out of the woods now ;))

a kind of ethical marketing (if there ever was a contradiction in terms, I never, lol :rolleyes:...)
I have thought of that, there is a horse farm that Hanna donates time to that is a non profit organization that specializes in special needs children. I like something like that. I just need to make more of a profit than the $400 - $500 I clear after expenses to be able to do it. You need to remember that I’m a one person operation, so I’m not able to donate much.
very true, JK Knives is as you say limited to a one man show

it would be neat to try though, even if you only end up making a small donation

maybe there is a special day or something, like her birthday next year or the date of remission or whatever that would make it more meaningful

more meaning = more $$$

For those of you that are newer to this forum John always has some pretty cool knives for his January sale. I’ve scored a couple in the past when I’ve had the cash. I’ll be patiently waiting to see what he comes up with for this sale.
after hearing he'll keep the forum up for 2021, I almost feel obligated to do the same

the truth, I'm happy to anyways :)

apart from JK, I've also really appreciated how welcoming and kind folks here are. and informative, interesting, etc.

there are at least one or two role models lurking around here, albeit they ain't this dude! ;)
got an idea for you JK

I'm always impressed when I see them doing this for their weekly Friday sale things, donating some of their proceeds to charity. their chosen charity look pretty good, training service animals to work with vets in Houston TX.

have you ever tried something like this? choosing a charity that is meaningful to the demographic your knives attract and doing this, it could translate to a meaningful selling point

I mean, you can bet seeing that note about donating proceeds to charity, and knowing they're chosen what seems like a fine charity that shares value I care about, it makes it that MUCH harder to NOT keep buy stuff from them every week or two (there was some fiddle-withdrawal at first, but I think I'm out of the woods now ;))

a kind of ethical marketing (if there ever was a contradiction in terms, I never, lol :rolleyes:...)
After discussing this further, I will be donating a percentage of profits to a small organization that I believe in, more details will be given later. I currently donate to them anyway, and have donated knives for them to raffle at fundraising events, so why not do a percentage instead.
This may be silly, but I looked for the sticky, is it something I needed to touch at the top?
This may be silly, but I looked for the sticky, is it something I needed to touch at the top?

Top of his sub-forum

JK Knives JK Knives it looks like there were two sticky posts made. Seems there have been another rash of double-posts on the forum recently, or at least a few happening in the last day or two I've seen.