Just pix of knives

Compulsive hoarding of Emerson's...


Ahh, Stingray... Sounds very durable...
I'm from the prairies man, I wouldn't know stingray from huh, I just wouldn't know.
Looks great...
Nah man...
Having different versions of Emerson models is a Collection!!
Having several of the same version would be hoarding...
Not that there is anything wrong with hoarding... Depending what it is...
A-anything you may need.
M-mountains of dehydrated food.
M-maybe a ton of baking supplies, packed airtight, in hard rodent proof containers.
O-order what you can reasonably afford... Without going poor,jic "something" may happen...
See what I did there!
Anyway...that is a fine collection of Emersons!
Thanks for showing them!
And here's a little something that I hand ground :D

Your skills are developing at a rapid pace - I've been around a while and seen some of your earlier rougher stuff, and what you're grinding now is amazing.

Sobriety has some amazing upsides, isn't it so? ;)

(congrats on the 2 year mark!)
Your skills are developing at a rapid pace - I've been around a while and seen some of your earlier rougher stuff, and what you're grinding now is amazing.

Sobriety has some amazing upsides, isn't it so? ;)

(congrats on the 2 year mark!)

Definitely. Sobriety and with it, the lack of hesitation to spend what would have been drank or drugged on quality equipment and materials.

(You can't snort/smoke/inject/drink a knife)

Priorities... what will be around when I wake up in the morning... what can I be proud of?

Czech - who made that smaller fixed blade? I tried to look it up but just kept coming up with info on Japanese waterstones. :rolleyes:

Both are made by Waterstoneblades, he's right here on BFC or on Instagram. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::cool:
Drastic tanto "Fresno Felon" mod.
