Kailash Khukuri Review Megathread!

I placed my first of what is sure to be many orders back in February. I am anxiously awaiting the email letting me know forging has begun. It is so exciting to know the amount of attention to detail that goes into these amazing tools. If they perform half as good as what I anticipate, I will be a happy camper. I went with an 11" Falo with a western leather sheath. I will share more when I have more to share.
I placed my first of what is sure to be many orders back in February. I am anxiously awaiting the email letting me know forging has begun. It is so exciting to know the amount of attention to detail that goes into these amazing tools. If they perform half as good as what I anticipate, I will be a happy camper. I went with an 11" Falo with a western leather sheath. I will share more when I have more to share.
Please do! following along with the build process is always lots of fun
The wait between forging and grinding isn't very large- then a slightly larger gap as it is fitted and ready for final finish. From here there's usually a larger still gap as the sheathmaking is completed and then final finishing and detailing. The biggest wait is always the queue before forging though!
One thing I've noticed while chopping very hard wood, the shock from the blades impact on the wood seems to all transfer straight to my hand and it can be straight painful. I'm using an HSI with buffalo horn handles, does anyone have any tips on how to reduce the shock transferred from the handle to my hand?
One thing I've noticed while chopping very hard wood, the shock from the blades impact on the wood seems to all transfer straight to my hand and it can be straight painful. I'm using an HSI with buffalo horn handles, does anyone have any tips on how to reduce the shock transferred from the handle to my hand?
Does your knife have a full tang or a hidden tang?
It's hidden tang
Hmm, I would have expected such from a full tang. I have not had the same experience with my hidden tang Khukuri. Maybe try wrapping the handle with leather to absorb shock a bit more.

Hopefully someone else has better advice.
I think Metalsmith has hit the nail on the head here. Daniel Murray Lake has described an ideal chopping grip as an "OK" grip. Thumb and index together with the rest of the hand loose. The other fingers can be recruited to help "snap" the blade down but a looser grip, especially upon impact can be a big help for shock absorption. A lot of our customers swear by tennis racket tape as well- but I've never found the modification necessary.
With most western chopping knives a lot of the power comes from the weight of the hand and arm so holding the knife tightly helps to drive it into the material (look at the DBK chopping videos). On the contrary, the khukuri is more like an axe. It has enough power and is instead almost thrown into the wood- with the hand just guiding it.
Haven't gotten an email about my blade in awhile. This has been the longest wait yet. I'm sure they are very busy and I must remember my blade is not the only blade they are working on lol. I'm excited still. It just makes the anticipation all the greater.
Haven't gotten an email about my blade in awhile. This has been the longest wait yet. I'm sure they are very busy and I must remember my blade is not the only blade they are working on lol. I'm excited still. It just makes the anticipation all the greater.
Will have a chat with the guys about it today- workshop is flowing just fine so there shouldn't be any delays.
It has been some time since the last update- 12th march. We've had a longtime friend of the company helping us make western leather sheaths for the last few months to free up time for radhe and bisnu. His father died recently and as a result he's taking part in a hindu death ritual called Kriyaputri. This involves 13 days of isolation with family and ritual fasting.as a result of his absence the team have not made much progress on our western leather sheaths- however he will be starting work in 2 or 3 days and we'll then be shipping by the start of next week.
Thanks for your patience.