Keen Kutter Axes - Info and Post Em Up - UPDATED

My one and only Keen Kutter.
This axeappears to have a crescent moon as well. Is it possible that plumb made axes for KK at some point? It would've been prior to plumb switching to a mono steel axe because all the examples i see have over laid bits. Interesting...
EC Simmons was a big marketing and branding guy, supposedly designing the logo himself.

The story about the name of the brand goes; EC Simmons made cutlery and would carry a folding knife with him at all times just to give away in an effort to spread the word about his products and promote his knives.

One day EC is on a train trip and a got to chatting with a steward on the train, so EC gave him a folding knife.
Some days later on the return trip that same worker came back to thank him for the knife and said “That sure is a Keen Cutter Mr. Simmons!” thus the idea for the name was born.
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Here is my Keen Kutter
It seems like it almost has to be made by kelly, as it looks just like a kelly perfect. 3lbs 2oz.

Nice looking axe! Yeah i totally agree that does look like a Kelly. Almost every single KK that I've seen looks like a Kelly. Even with mine, the one with the crescent moon, the weight stamp 4 2 under the poll looks like Kelly. I'm just hoping to get it figured out. Perhaps the ones with the marks are fakes? Just faked on good quality plumb axes.
Is that Jersey hung on a full size haft? Looks like a real nice user!
Is that Jersey hung on a full size haft? Looks like a real nice user!

Thanks! yeah I like it a lot. Found it in the back of my dad's shed - just the head and it was super rusty and pitted, but I kind of like the look - cleaned up, but not prettied up.

If I squint, I can pretend that I see a 3 stamped on the underside of the poll, but its probably pitted too much to be sure.

and yeah, I hung it on a 30" house handle that was octagonal, but then I re-ovalized it so it's nice and thin now, and I think the final total length is about 29" as hung.
This axeappears to have a crescent moon as well. Is it possible that plumb made axes for KK at some point? It would've been prior to plumb switching to a mono steel axe because all the examples i see have over laid bits. Interesting...
It seems like Plumb went to all steel construction in the teens if I remember right. That Other one you posted has the diamond also. Interesting.
Not an axe, but check out this awesome little Keen Kutter swaging hammer with the slit for bending saw teeth. It’s in prefect condition on what I assume is the original handle.


My first post, might as well be this little guy I found cleaning out my old damp detached garage. It was in its torn up leather mask so it was well rusty. Took a very fine edge.

EC Simmons in the logo can barely be made out.

I'm so glad this conversation is still going! Like so many, my great grandpas axes made it to me. I'm 35 and that would make great grandpa well over 100 years old. Obviously he didn't buy them until he was an adult... anyways. I have a very worn, rusty and hard to identify makers mark. But, after many hours of image searching I found it. I have a Keen Kutter boys axe with the hollows. (This is a kelly perfect edge I think sold by hardware stores.)

The part that's killing me is the stamp. It has no logo or mark with the famous wedge shape. It just says Keen Kutter Made in USA right next to the pole. There is a picture of this on page one labeled small boys size Connecticut. The pictured one has no hollows.

Could someone venture a guess about a Keen Kutter with only a text marking and with the hollows?
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Could someone venture a guess about a Keen Kutter with only a text marking and with the hollows?

I would really like to know about this as well. I just derusted an axe head of this same discription we found burried in my father in law's back yard.
Like yours, it has no other markings apart from the words "KeenKutter" on one side toward the back of the head running parallel with the handle. No wedge or other writing anywhere.
G'day from Aussie.
This is a mates axe,I'm guessing pre 1940,can someone verify please.
What it has on the flip side of the logo is what appears to be a swastika,though it's not nazi.
My suggestion is it's the owners mark/punch in case of theft.
Anyone else have an idea.
Thanx from FNQ.
OK how do I post a photo from a digital camera as I don't use a smart phone?