Knife ban

When knives are banned we will all need sharpened steel teeth

How does the government propose to ban every knife on the island? And more importantly, why are the citizens allowing it?
How does the government propose to ban every knife on the island? And more importantly, why are the citizens allowing it?
They already allowed it for guns. I am guessing sharp pointy sticks are next. After that clubs. Brains were banned long ago.
You should get the lord of the rings enthusiasts of the world to show up with swords and protest
Without it moving to the PA sub, yes, NZ is doing a lot of things, and yes some of the populace will follow, and some will not. The venn diagram of who wants the new rule and who plans to follow it is not a big overlap. One of those "control but not protect, protect but not control" sort of things, but again, to keep it out of PA. All I will say is that be very mindful of who's pushing new rules, in private since they may not be so open in public about it. As for reality though, how much does anyone actually care?
How does the government propose to ban every knife on the island? And more importantly, why are the citizens allowing it?
well they could impose an edict that would force citzens to eat with their hands for everything that does not require a spoon.