Major Custom Project Announcement

Man...that sounds SWEET...I wish I had $400 to drop on this baby...

Ohh well...maybe next time...

Great job getting this project together!

I'm sure everyone in here is as psyched as I am to see this come to life.

getting 'em open
is half the fun!
Way kewl this

Thanx a lot Gollnick for getting this going!
It'll be very interesting to see how these will look!

Be well!/Jonas aka 2Sharp

"May all your detonations be expected"

The coolest bar in the world:
My knives!
Chuck does indeed deserve a tremendous amount of praise for his many efforts in helping bring this project together. Without his expertise and enthusiasm it would never have been.

Thanks also to Clay for his inspiration.

Thanks are also due of course to the many terrific bali fans without whose support this project could not be - the happy customers

Kevin Pensinger
The EDGE Equipment

Contact The EDGE for your custom cutlery needs!
I think I might be interested in getting in on this one. Are you saying that because he came up with something new in the way that a traditional pocket knife opens, that he feels he can do the same thing for the balisong knife? That would be awesome! Could you give us a little bit more of an idea of what he thinks he can do to improve the pins, hinge, axis on the bali? Other than just to do something to make it easier to open. Maybe he will earn his place in the Balisong Hall of Fame along with the French guy who came up with the origional design. Perhaps we should start up an official Balisong Organization, and vote on what makes for a true balisong and what is just a peice of rip off junk. Sometimes law makers don't like to mess with something, if there is a organization in support of it. Thanks, JohnR7 (on Ebay) WWW.BalisongKnife.Com
Thanks Chuck, you've done a helluva job working this up and posting all the info and links!!! BRAVO
and, by the way, 'lucky number 7' is MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
G-10 scales are one of the suggestions I sent in to benchmade when they were taking suggestions on the 42. Glad to know i'm not totally insane :).

Hi guys,

Darrel will make the handles himself from titanium stock and in fact do all the work himself starting with the materials (the stainless Damascus will be purchased from a top maker of this material).

Only 25 serial numbers to be had.

More info on the Dealer for sale forum or at my site or on Chuck's site:

Hope this answers a couple questions and by all means check out Chuck's GEMINI pages - very well written.

Kevin Pensinger
The EDGE Equipment

Contact The EDGE for your custom cutlery needs!
Let's see... I know that serial numbers 1, 2 and 7 are already taken (perhaps, if Mr. Dawkind asked nicely, Mr. Ralph would make it serial number 007) and that's just what I know of. And the project has been open for less than 24 hours. So, if you're wanting in and especially if you've got a special number in mind, I'd respectfully suggest acting quickly.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!
I got #2!!! And if you research Chuck's link, you will not have any questions. Guys!!!Ya better jump while ya can on this one.

Thanks Chuck...and thanks Kevin, I'll be in touch!

Kind regards,

Sabo 29
"catch you on the flip side"!
Folks, I just can't say enough how excited I was when Darrel Ralph contacted me to ask about making some balisongs. He is such a creative person, not a "me-too" or "copy cat" maker. He honestly has some great new ideas and wants to bring some new and exciting contributions to the balisong knife. I'm very pleased and very excited and proud to be customer nummber one.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!
How come we are limited on the blade shape? What if I wanted... lets say... uh... modified spearpoint (duh

Again, if you want a specific number, sign up now.

Why are options somewhat limited?

Well, if you went to your Dodge dealer and said, "I really like that Dodge Viper. But I don't like the color." They would surely say, "No problem. Just sign here and we'll paint it whatever color you want." But, if you said, "I really like that Viper and I'd buy one if only it had four doors..." well, some things are not so easily changed.

I know a guy who works as an engineer for a company in Newberg, Oregon that does just that kind of modification on cars. Some models they do as "standard product." They've done these models before and they know exactly how to do it. But, if you ask 'em to do something different, they have to ask you to pay some substantial fees. Those fees cover the engineering work that they have to do to make sure that their finished product is safe and reliable. They get customers coming to them all the time with all kinds of crazy ideas. But, most of those customers walk away or settle for one of the "catalog" designs when they find out that the cost of the engineering work will well exceed the cost of the car. This is why they have those "catalog" designs. They'll make dozens of each of those. The cost of that engineering work is spread out over dozens of customers. Materials can be ordered in bulk. Setup and tooling costs can be spread out. Etc.

There's a lot of design and preparation work that goes into a knife too. A quality balisong is actually a fairly complicated knife to make. Everything has to fit just right. Mr. Ralph is a very careful and very technical maker too. He wants everything just right. So, he designs his knives on a CAD system and makes multiple prototypes before he starts in on a final product. That's a considerable investment.

When I started this project, you'll recall that I asked for a show of hands as to how many people might be interested. I needed to have 25 of you say yes. The costs of all of that upfront work are spread out over these 25 pieces.

This is why custom folding knives are expensive. Walk a knife show some time and you'll see that custom folders are often thousands of dollars. In fact, most "custom" folders begin with a pattern that the maker has used successfully in the past. The upfront costs of figuring out and perfecting a new design are huge. This is why most custom makers don't want to do balisongs. They know it's a complicated design and they know it'll take a lot of work upfront to get it right. They can't do that for one or two orders. The idea of doing a limited edition, twenty-five knives all following the same basic pattern, makes it practical.

Mr. Ralph does one-up custom knives. I'm sure he'd entertain your ideas. But, just be aware that you're going to have to pay the upfront costs yourself instead of sharing them with 24 of your friends.

Money talks. The question is: how loud do you want to shout?

The goal in this project is to give people the opportunity to own a true, handmade custom balisong from a major maker without having to raise their voice to much. In reaching for that goal, some compromises had to be made. Fixing some parts of the design was necessary.

Personally, I'm excited about the Apogee-based blade profile. It's new and exciting.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!
"007" will look REAL GOOD next to my Ralph Apogee Illusion!
(Ask and you shall receive!!!!
) Sure Ill email ya when Im getting ready to make it so I dont forget .
Glad the illusion is doing well.

"Dawkins, Dudley" wrote:
> Hey Darrel, Dudley here from Topeka! How's everything? I ordered a
> balisong and requested ser.# 7; could I get you to put it out as "007" when
> you get to it? It would make it kind of neat and one of a kind. Chuck
> Gollnick gave me the idea as I wanted 'lucky 7' and he suggested this. What
> do you think? Thanks for letting me know, Dudley
> PS- The Illusion is still fantastic!



Darrel Ralph/Bladesmith/Knife designer

[This message has been edited by Dawkind (edited 08-18-2000).]
I just took #4, so I assume somebody got #3.

Chuck and Clay. Thanks dudes, big time.

Folks, don't balk at this opportunity because of the price. If you are planning to buy a custom knife this year, this should be it. This is truly a 3 or 4 times in a lifetime opportunity. $375 for the standard model is a huge bargain. The last Benchmade custom I bought cost me $600.