Military Man Recruit


Nov 1, 1998
You did it again. You just recruited another Military Man. I just got my new plain edge Military last night and couldn't be more happy. I'm an office type person so I usually carry smaller knives like my Wegner Jr. Sometimes my job calls for me to go into the field so a bigger knife would be more appropriate. The Military sure fits the bill. Like we say in Hawaii, "dis is one big bugguh".
Hey Gene, when can I get my T-shirt. I'm kind of feeling out of uniform now.

Thanks and for all you people out there who don't have a Spyderco Military, Uncle Sal wants You!!!

Just like I told you on the General Forum about you having joined the "Military Man" contingent (by the way, no offense to you're welcome too). "Post here and let Sal know his design recruited another soul". You did and he acknowledged! Think about got a fantastic knife and a personal note from Spyderco's Chairman of the Board. I doesn't get any better than this does it


I did NOT escape from the institution! They gave me a day pass!

hey Bald1,
I never doubted you for a moment.
My knife hobby only started last fall, I was a lurker at Knifeforums and Mike guys were just starting up Bladeforums. The atmosphere on Bladeforums was more to my liking so I ended up joining and spending more time here.
It's people like Sal, yourself, and countless others who make this place such a pleasure.
Reading Bladeforums has become a nightly ritual and a weekend obsession (although, when I get out of line, my Wife threatens to put a password on the computer).

On behalf of all the "old timers" here on BFC, thank you. Seriously, we all enjoy the mystique and pleasure of knives and come to places like this to exchange information and opinion in a spirit of comradery. It makes little difference if we are new to cutlery or collecting for 35 years, if we use knives as part of our jobs or simply acquire them to admire, if we're a retail consumer or CEO of a major knife producing company. We share a common bond. Enjoy!


I did NOT escape from the institution! They gave me a day pass!

Hey Sal, you have yet another newbie to the Military Man Troop!!
I got a serrated version a couple of days ago and I like it very much!

May I suggest a southpaw model so I can carry one on each side?

How 'bout them shirts Gene?
I liked my Military so much, I gave my Benchmade AFCK away to a colleague at work. I've never looked back.

Keep up the good work!

Well, I finally got a new model of the Military, plain edge of course. My old model is currently on its way to Colorado for rehab on the clip. All in all I must say this is just about the greatest knife I have ever owned.
I have carried the Military for over two years now and have only needed to touch up the edge once(440-V of course). The only comlaint I have had with the knife is the old style clip coming loose. This says alot for this knife.

I have been and still am a "Military man".
How about those T-shirts? I will take mine in a XXL or XXXL if available. Gotta be at least a XXL. Just leat me know about cost and availability.

Norwegian Misfit

"For the word of GOD is quick and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword...." Hebrews 4:12

[This message has been edited by William Johnson (edited 17 February 1999).]
Sign me up! GEEZUS this is a much bigger knife than I have owned yet, my previous knives being a mini-socom, several ladybugs, a calypso jr., and very recently a large sebenza.

BIG! SHARP! And did I mention, BIG! After playing with my calypso jr. and Military, I am quite convinced that Flat Grind is the way to go.

I'm loving this knife. Amazing.

=- Craig. Happy.
I'm new to the forums, but have been hearing a lot about the Military. I own several small, medium, and large knives, from Spydie and others as well. Sal, are you gonna be coming out with a mid-sized version of the Military in future? A "Military Jr." with a blade in the 3-inch range would be perfect for daily carry, and would allow carrying the Military in a more discreet fashion. I like large knives, but I prefer carrying mid-sized folders...Military Jr., anyone? Jim
Military Jr....? Nah!

Norwegian Misfit

"For the word of GOD is quick and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword...." Hebrews 4:12

Please count me in with Military fans. I just got my serrated CPM440V model today. Great fit, finish and ergonomics. The closest thing I can compare it to is a folding combination razor and chainsaw. Excellent!
James - We've designed a few. Waiting to see if the market wants a Military Jr before the Lum chinese Folder, or the Keating, or the ??

There is a definite limit to the number of models that we can tool up for, produce, market and distribute. Making them all is not possible. One of the beauties of this forum is the ability to converse directly with astute knife aficienados.

We'll just watch for a while.
I handled one of the new CPM-440V plain-edged knives today... I'm thinking about selling my Stryker to get one.

Poor college students should stay out of good knife and gun stores for their own good.
I agree with a smaller version of the Military, about the size of a Delica, or slightly larger.

I did the same thing: Got my Military first, but bought an AFCK from all the hoopla, and now am looking to get it out of my hands. The AFCK lacks the elegance and direct simplicity that the Military does by far.
I have one too, serrated 440v

I have a ? about the knife though..mine doesn't have the jimping on the edge side of the blade (down by the lock) is this unusual?
Racenutz, Its normal on the new models. The old model had matching serrations on the top and botton guard. Nothing to worry about.
Hello, I myself would love to see a smaller version around,3" blade or so, my reason is in daily carry of a big knife(at work or social setting) when I flip out BIG DADDY, people usually jump on the crockodile,
..what the*&%$ are you gonna do withat?..Cut that box to shreds,now on the street in NJ..Thats not a older, THIS (FLIK)is a folder! just kidding, but true...I just think the design is the one of the best!!!and a military"Cadet" just seems right...Spydie makes so many other knives in two versions! Also I am 5'8" and a smaller version would be cool (for short people)

So write your congressman..We know who that is RIIGGHHT!!! My.01..wheres that cent key?
"everyone says,I'm immature and crazed..better than confused and dazed"
Any chance of seeing the Military with a new style REKAT type lock?

Oops... Look and you shall find. I found an previous post which answered my question.

I soon will be marching in the Spyderco Military Army.

Take care,

[This message has been edited by Tmac (edited 25 February 1999).]