Military Man Recruit

The army is growing by leaps and bounds, between the Military Men (people) and the Moran Lightweight Society, we'll soon have to hire a lobbyist for Capitol Hill !
Hey, maybe that's not such a bad idea...
The longest wait yet.
I am still waiting for my blade to come home. I sent it in to have the clip fixed(old style two screw clip)
Sigh, I wait with baited breath for the day we are reunited.

Do I need help or what? Nah, I just need my knife.


The Norwegian Military man
One of the local stores got a Military model in. I'd seen pics of the Military, but I've never seen it to scale.

Um, this bugger's HUGE. I'm all over's on my list of stuff to get. It certainly has left an impression...
I've had my Military since Friday January 29,
1999, and I've stopped carrying almost all my others. It's one of the better knives I've owned(just a notch above a BM Bali-song
). It's a great cutting implement I couldn't live with out anymore. Alot more comforable, and thinner than an AFCK is. Most knives' tips break when used as a seam ripper for type 6 thread(thick as a bowsting). Also has a better reach than other knives similar to it. The 440V isn't that hard to maintain a good keen edge. I like this one so much I may have to buy another one and retire this one I got now(I have the older version).
kudos to you and your company, Sal.
PS: Two small gripes, needs a Black clip-the shiny one on this one brings attention(mostly unwanted). Also would like a bigger one, say with a 5.25" blade.

If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail!

[This message has been edited by prigger (edited 02 March 1999).]
If enough is ok, more is better, then....


If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail!
Spyderco went and took care of me again. Just when I was wondering how my blade was I got an e-mail giving me a "sit-rep"(Thanks again Danelle)
"....and the (military) Army goes rolling along"

*The Norwegian Military Man*
Spyderco went and took care of me again. Just when I was wondering how my blade was I got an e-mail giving me a "sit-rep"(Thanks again Danelle)

"....and the (military) Army goes rolling along"

*The Norwegian Military Man*
Spyderco went and took care of me again. Just when I was wondering how my blade was I got an e-mail giving me a "sit-rep"(Thanks again Danelle)

"....and the (military) Army goes rolling along"

*The Norwegian Military Man*
A post so nice, it posted thrice!

No problem, William.
It costs nothing to be helpful~
Rudeness can cost the farm...


A man doesn't automatically get my respect, he has to get down in the dirt and beg for it.

I LIKE the idea of a smaller military. "Cadet" is a good choice for the name too. Maybe a 3.5" Coblat blade with a rolling lock? Customers would buy it. I know I would.

I like the military in 440v but I don't sell too many of them. I have several of all flavors in stock and have had them for quite a while. Many customers are put off by the size (and the price). Real knife enthusiasts don't have a problem with it but the average ELU just doesn't get it. A smaller version would fly.

Thanks for listening!

A shorter Military is not a military anymore.
There is plenty of other smaller knives by Spyderco.
I would prefer a little calypso with VG-10 blade (rather than GIN1...)

In the review forum of Dexter Ewing there is a link to our review of the Military.

I had one of these beasts as well. A plain edge CPM 440V. I loved the blade steel. I quickly got over it's size. However, I am usually pretty careful with my knives so I believe that this particular one just didn't like me. I have never had any problems out of my Endura's or my BM's, but this thing must have hated my guts. I was cleaning it for the first time, and was rubbing some oil over the blade when it hit me...1/2" OF THE BLADE WAS STICKING OUT OF THE OTHER SIDE OF MY HAND!!! (It had to be the knives fault. I never would have done this intentionally. hehehe) I pulled it out and blood was squirting everywhere!!! On the ceiling, on the floor, all over the furniture!!! I ran to the sink and washed it out. Then I grapped a small towel and wrapped it around my hand. I had to wait for someone to come home so I could go to the hospital so I laid on the couch with my arm well above my head, resting against the corner of the 2 walls. Next thing I know, it's 6:30AM. I unwrapped the towel and guess what...the knife spared my life. I couldn't hardly tell where it had even entered or exited my hand. Damn that's sharp!!! -AR
True story. Unfortunately I traded it for something a little bit smaller. But I loved this knife. (Even though it didn't like me very much. hehehe.)
You had me on the story till the last sentence.

Your right about the Military.How about this,
Calypso Jr. with rolling lock, 420v steel, and choice of micarta color??
my IMHO,

If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail!

Military "Military" fans unite!!!
Don't get me wrong prigger...I love this knife. I just had to have something an inch or so shorter. I am a P.C. Technician and have to wear slacks everyday. Didn't mean to offend anyone. I also forgot to mention the awesome G10 on this knife. -AR
Next thing I know, it's 6:30AM. I unwrapped the towel and guess what...the knife spared my life. I couldn't hardly tell where it had even entered or exited my hand. Damn that's sharp!!! -AR
---I meant that sentance, sorry if I wasn't clear enough. I agree about the scales on the Military.

If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail!

Military "Military" fans unite!!!
Love it so much, went out and got me a toothy one today. Just to beat the hell out of it and cut everything in sight.

*Norse Knife Nut*

"Military" Fans Unite!!

"The only limitation is lack of imagination."


Just a little word about the long handle of the Military.
I have found today, it's make a great vegetable chopper for cooking preparation if your hold your knife by the butt of the handle.

I know have another military got rid of my ser know have plain blade I am in love thanks
John for the great deal. I am an ex military
military man again...........................
How about military Jr what do you guys think