For most tasks, a fine but still toothy edge always seems to cut best for me.
I’m far from a sharpening expert, but when I’m reprofiling with my KME I just can’t stop until I’m at a 17-18° near-mirror polish (3 micron film and strop with 1 micron paste).
When I feel the edge needs a touch-up or more bite, I’ll touch it up with the 20° Sharpmaker. It’s the best of both worlds, as some people have suggested.
Honestly, the very best and longest lasting edges I’ve ever done were near polish 17.5° convex (WSKO) followed by a good 20° Sharpmaker micro. I gave up on that because unless you’re really focused, it’s easy to get the bevels asymmetric on a WorkSharp. (I decided to spring for a KME vs getting the Blade Grinding Attachment).