Movie Quote!?@? {:->

Heres one

Q: Oh, I've fallen! My neck, my back, my neck and my back! I'm gonna sue you all for a hunnert and fitty thousand dollars, but we can settle outta court now for twenty bucks."
Patience, SHS...

You'd think it was Friday or something...

Q: ...a serious punch for a serious nose.
Guy #1 National Security Agency.
Guy #2 Oh, you're the guys I hear breathing on the other end of my phone.
Originally Posted by java
Sneakers perhaps?

Random said:
Yup it is.

Q: It's always the same thing. It's when you start to become really afraid of death that you learn to appreciate life. Do you like life, sweetheart?

"It's always the same thing. It's when you start to become really afraid of death that you learn to appreciate life. Do you like life, sweetheart?"

Is it Leon?

Q: Now, a question of etiquette - as I pass, do I give you the ass or the crotch?
Question :"It was three shots,sword cane through my right lung and one through my hand"

"and then I cut his heart out". :cool:
leatherbird said:
Question :"It was three shots,sword cane through my right lung and one through my hand"

"and then I cut his heart out". :cool:

Sounds like Billy Bob from "The Alamo" ?
Exactly right!
Your turn. :thumbup:
Actually it was Jason Patric/Jim Bowie speaking to BBT/David Crockett,regarding the sandbar scrap.
leatherbird said:
Exactly right!
Your turn. :thumbup:
Actually it was Jason Patric/Jim Bowie speaking to BBT/David Crockett,regarding the sandbar scrap.

Cool!! Saw it for the 1st time a week or two ago, not bad at all.

Okay, lets try this & please pardon the language (tell me if you're offended & I'll remove it),

"I hope I give you the sh*ts, you f*cking wimp."

Hint: Said to Werewolf.
Sorry guys, must have been to obscure. The movie was "Dog Soldiers" a british horror movie set in Scotland. Got a lot of buzz over there & if you like horror movies (which I typically don't) you should check it out. Kind of like Aliens but with Werewolves, good cast too.

I'll leave this open so someone else can start fresh.
Dang, I so would have gotten the "Dog Soldiers" reference. The movie is actually quite funny. If I was to quote something it from it, it would have been:

"Where's Spoon?"
"There is no Spoon."

Spoon being a soldier's name, and I guess a jab at the "Matrix" movie as well. Overall, even with the cheezy special effects, it was a pretty funny movie if you can get over "F###!" in every other sentence... :)
Vess said:
Dang, I so would have gotten the "Dog Soldiers" reference. The movie is actually quite funny. If I was to quote something it from it, it would have been:

"Where's Spoon?"
"There is no Spoon."

Spoon being a soldier's name, and I guess a jab at the "Matrix" movie as well. Overall, even with the cheezy special effects, it was a pretty funny movie if you can get over "F###!" in every other sentence... :)

Language doesn't bother me, poor dialog (clean or profane) does. There's been talk of a sequel since the it was first release, IMDB doesn't have much on it though.