Movie Quote!?@? {:->

Rick. Top o' the morning my good man!

Most gracious of ye to recognize the KBE ere Her Majesty utters her 'Advances Chevalier au nom de Dieu' and mine own adoubement. Always love a Spacey movie though......:D

This should be fairly easy:

Q: EXCUSE ME! If you don't mind, the corpse STILL has the floor!

At the risk of this becoming a two-man game, and 'cuz I like Spacey too...

The Ref.

Q: People who confuse brains and luck can get into a lot of trouble.
Break it up, you two ;)

Rick in KY said:
Q: People who confuse brains and luck can get into a lot of trouble.

A. North Dallas Forty

Q. "What was I supposed to do - call him for cheating better than me?"
matthew krissak said:
A:North Dallas Forty

Q:We're having a wet bikini contest, and you just won.

He's right, I'm right, the answer to his is "From Dusk til Dawn".
stjames said:
Q. "What was I supposed to do - call him for cheating better than me?"

A: The Sting

Q: Goddam kiddney stones! It hurts when I piss. It hurts when I shit. I'm just a fat old fart with nothing to live for anymore. I'm going to hang myself, as soon as I'm sober.
Centaur said:
A: The Sting

Q: Goddam kiddney stones! It hurts when I piss. It hurts when I shit. I'm just a fat old fart with nothing to live for anymore. I'm going to hang myself, as soon as I'm sober.

The man in the iron mask?

The more I think about it, the more I don't think I'm right. I'll leave the guess out there however to keep people reading this thread.:p
This may not be exact, but it's close....

You shot an unarmed man!

Well he should have armed himself before he decided to decorate your saloon with my friend.
I guess SilverFox stumped us, so...

Q: We're about to make film history, right here on videotape.
Rick in KY said:
IQ: We're about to make film history, right here on videotape.

A: Boogie Nights

Q: You're allowed to have a life, you know. I read it in a manual somewhere.
Originally Posted by Centaur
Q: You're allowed to have a life, you know. I read it in a manual somewhere.

A: Is it time "Timecop"?

Q: I've got a Police Commissioner so far up my ass, if he spits it's coming out of my mouth