Movie Quotes

jthomas -

Mind if I throw one out?

"He pulls a knife - you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue!"
Alright Jus to keep this going I feel like posting one

Q: So in order to have you a man must first try to kill you......Thats Logic.
Alright Jus to keep this going I feel like posting one

Q: So in order to have you a man must first try to kill you......Thats Logic.

argh... I have no idea, but I am going to post my delinquent one and someone can try two....

q- the French haven't the nature for war. Their Gallic laziness combines with their latent voluptuousness with the result that they would rather eat and make love with their faces than fight.
argh... I have no idea, but I am going to post my delinquent one and someone can try two....

q- the French haven't the nature for war. Their Gallic laziness combines with their latent voluptuousness with the result that they would rather eat and make love with their faces than fight.

The last of the Mohicans
"Well, I wouldn't be bothering with the shield then, would I? "

A: Troy

EmsRescueGuy said:
Q: So in order to have you a man must first try to kill you......Thats Logic.

A: Red Sonja

Q: Attention, passengers, we are now leaving Nun Central and are beginning our journey to Hell and beyond. The captain has turned off the "no smoking" sign, and you may now move about the cabin freely. Thank you for being Catholic, and for choosing the Saint Gabriel's School Bus.
Q: Attention, passengers, we are now leaving Nun Central and are beginning our journey to Hell and beyond. The captain has turned off the "no smoking" sign, and you may now move about the cabin freely. Thank you for being Catholic, and for choosing the Saint Gabriel's School Bus.

A: "Bachelor Party"

Q: "I ask you to kill one guitarist, and what do I get? Dead bald guys."
Yes Danno You're right. Nice job too--I couldn't even find it in a basic search so I guess you must've seen six-string.
Basic search????? Heyyyyyy, you aint suppose to use secret weapons to figure it out!
Q "Initiative comes to thems that wait."

Clockwork Orange... I've had both nightmares and pleasant dreams about the milk bar. :D

Q- Dear God, whose name I do not know - thank you for my life. I forgot how BIG... thank you. Thank you for my life.
"Thwow him to the gwound"
"the jig's up!!!! and gone!!!!!" or "Oh I have any openings that this man would fit?"....same movie
I'm getting to old for this SHIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!!!
Clockwork Orange... I've had both nightmares and pleasant dreams about the milk bar. :D

Q- Dear God, whose name I do not know - thank you for my life. I forgot how BIG... thank you. Thank you for my life.

Joe versus the Volcano