Movie Quotes

I will answer this myself as it seems too obscure looking at the lack of replies.
The ultimate Warrior, I thought being a movie about a warrior that dispaches alot of post apocalypse nutters with only a knife may have struck a chord here.

Another one.
Q. "The underprivileged are beating our goddamned brains out. You know what I say? Stick them in concentration camps, that's what I say."
"Thwow him to the gwound"
"the jig's up!!!! and gone!!!!!" or "Oh I have any openings that this man would fit?"....same movie

2 and 3 are fro History of the World: Part 1, not sure of the first -- Life of Brian, perhaps?
Q- The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. And like that... he is gone.
"Ah. It must have been when I was younger. There was a time, boy, when I searched for steel, when steel meant more to me than gold or jewels."