Natural Outlaw died! I shocked...

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i do not have a clue what you're referring to.... nothing appears to have died in the pics.
There it is.. can someone tell me what the heck that stuff says? i don't read that language

Is that your knife? if it is, you should be messaging Jerry with this info, as it is likely covered by Busse's warranty (most things are)

The knife broke at the new owner. I sold a knife to it. I bought a knife from other person earlier. It had it still new.
well... okay then

i don't think i've ever seen a broken busse that wasn't beaten to heck and back, so that's different...

i don't know what could POSSIBLY have caused a clean shear like that on an otherwise newish INFI blade...
They were chopping and the knife broke - and it did not hit a nail or anything.

It looks like a Badger Attack Ergo - but I am no expert - but I do have an Ergo and it looks like that one, handle pattern and all -

I am sure that Busse will stand by that knife - the only thing they will not cover is breakage while trying to break the knife - from what I have gathered from Jerry's posts here.

First time I have seen that with a Busse blade.


I would definitely have him contact and see what happens :) Only fair that Jerry gets a chance to see the knife and can find out what went wrong. Till then, all we can do is speculate. Busse Combat is good people :thumbup:
it is definitely a NOe with the large choil and lanyard hole. There is one pic of a BAe in there though
Ummm...a NOe with a buff job. My question would be has the knife been over heated when polishing the blade....(heat temper changed?). Either way, since the knife has been altered it will be up to Jerry to decide if he wants to warranty it.

Oh and BTW....I've beaten the crap out of more than a couple of Ergos....and never even had a edge chip. They are tough sums of bitches!

Гвозди не рубил ... - didnt cut the nails...
Ummm...a NOe with a buff job. My question would be has the knife been over heated when polishing the blade....(heat temper changed?). Either way, since the knife has been altered it will be up to Jerry to decide if he wants to warranty it.

Oh and BTW....I've beaten the crap out of more than a couple of Ergos....and never even had a edge chip. They are tough sums of bitches!

Post 10 gives some good info:
Looks like someone stuck it in tree and then whacked/kicked it sideways to cause the lateral stress needed...
Any way that knife could be a knockoff? It looks legit but I have seen some copies on ebay that looked real too.
I agree, but that took much more than a kick! Probably a strike with a hammer, ax, etc. There should be visible damage to the scales.

Looks like someone stuck it in tree and then whacked/kicked it sideways to cause the lateral stress needed...
Ouch, its rare that I see something like this with any knife and never before with a Busse... Only thing that I can think of that would cause something like this is some sort of defect in the steel itself. The only other place I've seen steel broken/cut this clean was steel that I've purposely cut using a hydraulic metal cutting press.
I agree, but that took much more than a kick! Probably a strike with a hammer, ax, etc. There should be visible damage to the scales.

a log or big baton would work and leave no marks to speak of:(
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