Never say never -- Another health report for 9/30/04.

Mar 5, 1999
Things got so confused during this adventure of the pancreatic tumor (cancer?) that I finally gave up on trying to post anything about health and said I wouldn't post any more reports and didn't. But, finally, thanks to hard meat testing, I think we finally know where we are.

Briefly (I could go into the gory details and make it painful but will try not to), the story goes like this.

First week in March went to ER at St Marys for pain, level 10. 3 or 4 days of pix and tests and best they could come up with was "some problem with pancreas."

Sent to West Valley Imaging for PETscan. Results: 5cm pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Essentially, a death sentence.

My GI doc says, "to make absolutely sure let's get a biopsy." Sent to California Pacific Medical Center, supposedly one of the best for procedures like this) in SFO for procedure. Results: Tumor benign but ducts blocked.

GI doc says, "we got lucky. We'll stent the blocked ducts and carry on with life."

Back to CalPacMedCtr for stents. Results: Got one stent installed but failed on pancreatic duct. Also noticed duodenal ulcer. Take Nexium.

GI Doc says, "think we're okay. We'll go back in two months for stent evaluation and another try at pancreatic duct stent"

Two months later at CalPacMedCtr. Results: Stent removed and duct (bile or bilary) stayed open. Tried pancreatic duct stent again -- failed. Definite change in ulcer appearance. Looks like malignancy. Biopsy performed.

Two weeks later biopsy results get to GI doc who says, "CalPacMedCtr biopsy says you have a slow growing carcinoid in duodenum. What do you want to do about it?"

I say, "sit on it for six months, then pix and test and reevaluation."


About a month later another pain (level 10 again which none of my meds will touch) generated trip to St. Marys ER. Results: The "slow growing" carcinoid had doubled in size in 6 weeks -- 3cm to 6cm -- and it is definitely "do something" time.

GI doc says, "you've graduated. Will send you to oncologist.

Went to oncologists. He reviews all the stack of the med file and says, "It's the Whipple or just wait it out." Wait it out means call hospice and get the wills updated.

I decide to take a look at the Whipple possibility which may or may not be possible at this point. Thanks for poor work by the highly touted CalPacMedCtr I'm 7 or 8 months behind the curve. I should have been seeing the surgeon more than half a year ago trying to figure out what to do. The primary tumor of the pancreas has mastastisized to the duodenum and possibly the liver (can't see) so the situation is far more advanced than it should be. And that's the kicker, if it's advanced too far the Whipple is a waste and options are alternate treatments (chemo and radiation therapy primarily) which oncologist said won't work well in our situation. Call hospice!

If the Whipple is a possibility there lies the decision of "to Whipple not to Whipple." I had originally done my research on this procedure and deemed it so invasive and damned right awful (I figure they cut out 5 or 6 pounds of guts and parts -- but the upside is there's nothing left inside you to get cancerous again) that I wasn't going to do it and would just opt for hospice. I've called them and got my foot in the door already. But then........

I started doing more puja and meditation and playing my Medicine Buddha CDs and had a somewhat profound and also somewhat unwanted revelation. As the Buddhist I want to try to be suicide is out of the question and it's my duty to try to stay in this body I've been renting for as long as the body will provide refuge. This means if it's possible I HAVE to try the Whipple or drop myself down a few notches on the "Good Buddhist Rating" scale which is something I really don't want to do. I was given the pancreatic cancer to see how I'd deal with it and I've got to deal with it the very best damned way that it available to me. Everything is a test, believe it or not. So, I'm stuck.

Bottom line: If Whipple is a decent possibility then I HAVE to try it. If it fails or is NOT a possibility then I have to try all alternate methods the medical community has available. When everything has failed only then am I free to call hospice and check out. If it succeeds then I am still stuck with trying to maintain this body for as long as it can be maintained and that's another regimen.

So, there you have it. The only certainty in all this is there's a hell of a lot of pain, misery and frustration associated with it which generates anger and that can also be tossed into the pot.

I'm going to keep on doing what I've been doing, put up the best damned fight I can, and let those karmic chips fly long and far and land where they want to.

Of course, all those prayers, well wishes, positive vibes will be appreciated more than anybody will know except me but I don't want any tears or "poor Old Uncle Bill" hangers around. We're going to do this thing right and with max continous power. For us there simply ain't any other way.

Ayo Gorkhali!
Bill Martino said:
....had a somewhat profound and also somewhat unwanted revelation.
........ it's my duty to try to stay in this body I've been renting for as long as the body will provide refuge. ........

Everything is a test, believe it or not. So, I'm stuck......
Oh yes.......

Continuing prayers for all.

<>call me
<> Tips <> Baha'i Prayers Links--A--T--H--D
What can I say Uncle. Anything would just seem so trivial.

I don't personally know you or Yangdu but I've come to consider you friends so I'll just say that you've both have been in my prayers for awhile. And will continue to be.

All the karma that myself and my family have is yours.

Mark T.
"All the karma that myself and my family have is yours."

Thanks, but I think I have just about all I can handle with what I've got.

Sorry, I have a very strange sense of humor as you have just seen. I sincerely appreciate your generosity and caring.
Get 'em, Uncle Bill! Come what may.
Blessing and prayers to you and Yangdu. Keep putting up the good fight. You inspire us all.

that said "Keep charging the enemy so long as there is life". I taped it to my monitor and there it sits to this day. Ayo Gorkhali!

Good call Uncle Bill!

I have been trying to get a friend with what is almost surely metastatic breast cancer to get some medical intervention.

You were talking about your spirituality compelling you to try to stay alive. I told her that if it was me I'd be trying most everything because I don't feel like I got it all figured out yet and I'd like to keep trying as long as possible ;)
No tears here. Definitely prayers and good thoughts.

Methinks you're too ornery to lose this one.

And if not, that's your time. Hadn't ever thought about situation liek this as you put it, doing best to take care of the body we happen to be privileged enough to borrow for a while, and really like that viewpoint. Except of course for fact it's gonna make me be a bit more careful, which is never fun.

Anwyays, thoughts, and prayers going out. And thanks for the update.
Other then giving you support I like to offer any knowledge I might have for your consideration in your fight. I am not familar with the Whipple procedure but have the docotors considered place radioactive seeds in the tumor areas . This procedure has more affect on the cancer and less on the whole body. Just thought this might help.
Karl B. ;)
Thanks, Sharky. I'd read about the seeds and we may give them a try if we can find somebody who'll install them. When you have nothing to lose why not?

All ideas welcome and certainly up for consideration. And I do mean all. I've already started on some kind of crazy vitamin therapy for slow down. Like I said, what is there to lose? But I don't think I'd like shark fin's soup so let's not try that one. There's millions of others.

And thanks all.
As you said, Uncle: Ayo Gorkhali! (always wanted to shout that in a moment of stress, but I'm afraid I'll mispronounce it.)

Give 'em hell. We're with you.
Good going Bill!!!!:D I've been concerned what would happen when you got to this point and I'm glad too see you have made the decision to take the high road. Somehow I always figured you would.:D I'm honored too have you as a friend!:D :cool: :D
Thanks for the medical update Uncle Bill. I have no basis of comparison to myself, but I think you are handling things just right given the options you have available. God help me to do as well were I in the same situation.

I hope you will take this offer _seriously_, that if you ever need anything I am just a skip and a jump away from you and can be there in 4 hours easy; anytime, anyday, for whatever you need. I know Rusty is close by as well, but it's easy to tell that you're one of the good guys and I know we would all do anything we could to support you and Yangdu.

Also, just as an FYI, my brother is senior partner in a law firm in Las Vegas, and has some good contacts in Reno if you need anything done in that regard. Just let me know.

Thanks again for keeping us all in the loop, and be well.

Best regards,

Does this mean you can have a Heinekin?

Give 'em hell Bill...make them drag you out!
Bill Martino said:
...As the Buddhist I want to try to be, suicide is out of the question and it's my duty to try to stay in this body I've been renting for as long as the body will provide refuge...
Hearing you say this, flashed me back to a conversation we had years ago before you were a Buddhist and before I was a contrary old geezer and made me wonder what the Buddhist thought, as you understand it, was concerning the physical body.

I was saying how "the Path" had to include "clean living" to take care of the body which I considered the Temple of the Soul. I thought that to defile the body would bring negative energy and bad karma.

Your position was that we were "Spiritual beings" and that the body was just "meat", I think you called it "a load of garbage that we have to haul around", and our most important task was to purify our spiritual essence.

Our discussion never went much beyond that because when we started talking Karma, we got laughing about Johnny D. shooting that guy's balls off at the whorehouse and the Karma that engendered and that took us on a whole different track.

So, to get back to my question, what is the relation between the spirit and the body in the Buddhist perspective. Anyone here who knows, feel free to respond.
Many thanks all and I may end up taking everyone of you up on your offers. I've always hated depending on others so maybe this is another one of those last lessons to be learned that was tossed in for good measure.

Yvsa, in this case as it is with many the easy road is not always the high or best road. As I mentioned, I had already called hospice and it looked fine to me. The Whipple procedure makes my bypass surgery look like a trip to the dentist and I loathe and despise the very notion of putting myself through it -- But it was what was given me and now it's up to me to play it the very best I can if I want to hold myself in the regard as a Buddhist that I want. And that's important. What others think doesn't matter. What I think matters a LOT.
And thanks for your very kind words -- they mean a lot to me.

So, you've all seen me talk a pretty good talk, now let's all see, including me, how I walk the walk.

I forgot. In the evening I can drink almost one bottle of Heineken before the parts inside start squeaking and raising hell. Then it's food time -- more squeaking and hell raising. More pills.
Uncle Bill,

In my opinion, you are making the right choice.

Once again, your generosity, wisdom, and courage humble and inspire me.

As Stonewall Jackson was reputed to have said,(quoting Matthew Henry, I believe) "Duty is ours, events are the Lord's."

Best wishes Uncle Bill!

Please, keep on with the fight for the sake of us too.

Thanks for being Uncle Bill.