newberry knives contest to win a knife (easy)

Jan 10, 2007
Here is the deal...

In order to enter to win one of my knives all you have to do is participate in my new forum here at So, every time you make a comment or ask a question etc. on one of the threads here in my forum you have made an entry. The more you participate the better your chances.

The fine print:

I don't know what knife will be given away, but it will be a knife that I have made. Right now it is likely to be one of my Altoid's tin survival kit neck knives. However, I will let you guys know when it gets closer to the end of the contest.

I am currently getting ready for a show and pretty much right after that I am going to the ABS school for two weeks. So the end date will be some time after that. So it will likely be about 1.5 months long. I will announce a date eventually.

And finally, the winner will be determined by counting up the number of posts, getting a random number from a random number generator, and finding that number by counting up from the bottom of the forum towards the top.
Been following your work and status on Facebook. Thanks for the heads up on the giveaway, I would really like the chance to have one of your creations
Congrats on your new forum, Allen! I saw your announcement on Facebook, but I also spend a lot of time here on BF. I've been a fan of your clay quench blades for a while.
Just posting for the possibility to win the knife. That's why I started making knives, cause I sure could never afford to buy all the ones I want.
Thanks for all the entries everyone! And remember, comments on the other threads in my forum also count as entries!