Nice little experience just now with CS's online ordering

Yeah, good points... Even more mundane reasons when you think about it, like factories being closed for at least part of the time, and distribution systems being slowed down.

I was really beginning to wonder if knives were following the hyper demand of firearms, but it doesn't seem so...

Guns/ammo are suffering from a drop in production of minerals, as well.
I just went to check on my order and it's not letting me log in. Theyve changed the website and it looks like they've nuked our accounts as well. This new company is fucked up.
I just went to check on my order and it's not letting me log in. Theyve changed the website and it looks like they've nuked our accounts as well. This new company is fucked up.
Whew! I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Their "Existing Customer? If you had a user account prior to our mid-December website re-launch, you will need to register for a new account" message is pretty damned weak.

They should have a notice saying that all entered orders under their old system will be honored and they remain in process
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Whew! I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Their "Existing Customer? If you had a user account prior to our mid-December website re-launch, you will need to register for a new account" message is pretty damned weak.

They should have a notice saying that all entered orders under their old system will be honored and they remain in process
Please file a ticket with your IT team about this :)
Whew! I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Their "Existing Customer? If you had a user account prior to our mid-December website re-launch, you will need to register for a new account" message is pretty damned weak.

They should have a notice saying that all entered orders under their old system will be honored and they remain in process

Nice little experience and all...
That news story is irrelevant if the knives haven't been shipped in the first place. I hope GSMO compensates you well for being a shill.

I'm glad you started this thread about everyone's bad experience trying to buy from Sold Steel.
I just went to check on my order and it's not letting me log in. Theyve changed the website and it looks like they've nuked our accounts as well. This new company is fucked up.
Am I correct in understanding that they've charged customer's cards and then deleted their user accounts?
My card wasn't charged so I don't know WTF is going on since I can't get anyone on the phone or to respond to my email.
I don't mean to be Captain Obvious, but trying to buy from a company right after they have been sold, in the middle of restructuring, during a pandemic, at Christmas time, is probably the worst possible time to make a purchase.

I think the only thing that could make it worse is if their warehouse was on fire.

Of course, they shouldn't be charging cards until an order is ready to ship. That's just being professional.

I hope it all works out for you guys. And I hope they get their act together. I just bought my latest Cold Steel from BladeHQ (another Ti-lite 6).
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That news story is irrelevant if the knives haven't been shipped in the first place. I hope GSMO compensates you well for being a shill.

I'm glad you started this thread about everyone's bad experience trying to buy from Sold Steel.

Yeah, I don't get why the USPS being backed up in Indy is the linchpin for the Cold Steel house of cards. All USPS facilities are backed up. The fact that the story mentions one in Indianapolis might be due to the fact that it being reported by a news outlet out of....Indianapolis. My great state may be known as "The Crossroads of America", but that doesn't mean that everything shipping across the country goes through Indy. Hell, most of my orders actually overshoot me in southern Indiana, end up in Louisville,KY, and just back track this way in about a day since it's faster.
Well if they didn't want my order they could have suspended the christmas sale until whenever they fix thier shit or ya know not fire everybody from the original company in the middle of the big sale at one of the most busy times of the year thus creating chaos for no reason. I saw a knife I wanted for half price that is being discontinued so I went for it. If anyone knows where else I can get a Shanghai Warrior for 25.00 and free shipping please tell me.
Well if they didn't want my order they could have suspended the christmas sale until whenever they fix thier shit or ya know not fire everybody from the original company in the middle of the big sale at one of the most busy times of the year thus creating chaos for no reason. I saw a knife I wanted for half price that is being discontinued so I went for it. If anyone knows where else I can get a Shanghai Warrior for 25.00 and free shipping please tell me.

Exactly right!
At a time when CS customers have so many doubts about what's going to happen with the company, maybe they should have temporarily shut down the on-line shopping site until the got their stuff in one sock. Customers having problems ordering is only adding to the doubt. Not good...
At a time when CS customers have so many doubts about what's going to happen with the company, maybe they should have temporarily shut down the on-line shopping site until the got their stuff in one sock. Customers having problems ordering is only adding to the doubt. Not good...
They should have also communicated to their existing online customers that a new order entry system was being implemented. That existing customers would need to create new accounts (sad they lacked the ability to migrate them internally) -- while the old system was closed to new orders, but maintained in parallel until all orders had either been fulfilled or formally cancelled.

My goodness, lists of customers that have actually placed orders in the past is a valuable commodity! The migration to a new system should have been seamless in their customers' eyes. To require existing customers to create new accounts without explanation is ridiculous. Just imagine all the "want lists" that were lost. Absurd!

In sum, there is now actual stuff to be concerned about based on CS's actions. Not the "LCT was held at gunpoint when he made that video clip" malarkey of yore.
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Guns/ammo are suffering from a drop in production of minerals, as well.

Well isn't that some very specific hunting industry knowledge...

On another note, the new CS website has a sub menu just for "large folders." That makes me believe large folders could continue to be a focus moving forward. Personally, I would miss the giant folders more than anything because there simply isn't anywhere else to find a wide variety of giant, strong, high quality production folders. The fact that the raja 2 is not on the large folder page is kind of weird.
I wish someone would give us a clue about what they are going to do moving forward. This San Luis Obispo thing sure is a curve ball. Why not just shoot straight? What's to lose?