Not a knife, but I think it's cool... Name it and I'll give you one...

Call it the "chunk" that's pretty much how simple it is haha. Just a chunk of useful metal.
Living on the TX/MX border for the last 20 years, when someone has a tough time describing something, they call it a "Chingadera" slang which best means, the that's my .02 :)
Looks like the horn on those Hercules beetles.

Call it the bottle beetle.
Or the herc

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very cool little simple machine, probably pretty handy-- I like K.R.O. bar suggested by another poster
There have been better suggestions but maybe a "BBD" (beverage breaching device).
I have to say, I like the "Herc" suggestion, but I was thinking that it looked like one of those sculptures/ heads on Easter Island... Not sure what name follows.... Beer-head, Open-idol, Tiki-key... You are welcome to use any of those or whatever inspiration may come from my observations. I've been looking for just that sort of thing lately!