Photos Our ABC's - Join In! (All Knife Styles)

F is for French knives, bought at a little shop in Reims.
I'm gonna add another pic of my green 531 as our friend @Keyopp 's posts reminded me of @flatblackcapo 's Knives and Album Art thread and inspired me to post there again and go all-in here with a passel of Grant Green titles as there are many, many G's to be had among them. Grantstand with Granstand and Green's Greenery; Green Street with Green Street, Green's Dimensions, and Green with Envy (two takes); Grants' First Stand; and The Complete Quartets with Sonny Clark including the wonderful tune On Green Dolphin Street as well as Gooden's Corner from the album of the same name.

it seems likely that I have a bit too much free time, doesn't it?
