Outrage: NYC DA Shakes Down Knife Retailers

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Not sure if this was posted on here already (didn't see it), but Grand Prairie is not shipping to NY State either.
I thought this was in NYC and not state wide? Why are on-line knife stores refusing to sell to locking knives to NY residents in general? Wouldn’t that just help the NYC DA win? I’m guessing that I must have not read correctly or don’t understand.
It is the Manhattan DA ( not even the rest of NYC) that is doing this, BUT he is baseing it on his interpertation of the NY State law. That has caused concern to dealers selling anywhere in NY State as another DA in another county could side with his reading of the law. He stated he would help them with some of the money he obtained if they did.
:barf::barf::barf: Just sad. Can't believe they'd stop shipping to NY altogether.

If it were me, I wouldn't ship to NY. If it's become a land without law (and with a DA actively engaged in extortion, it seems so) and full of liberals, I'd choose to take my business elsewhere.

If you live in NY and aren't insane, please take control of your government.
If it were me, I wouldn't ship to NY. If it's become a land without law (and with a DA actively engaged in extortion, it seems so) and full of liberals, I'd choose to take my business elsewhere.

If you live in NY and aren't insane, please take control of your government.

KDUJ made a good point that if this is mainly a NYC thing, why stop shipping state wide? How about just NYC? That'd make more sense considering the business shipping there could be getting themselves into some hot water. Though upstate NY doesn't seem like it'd be an issue. A lot more relaxed on this sort of thing. At the least in the Rochester area.

Thing about taking control of your government is, you have to care enough. Do you think the average NYC resident cares about this sort of thing? They just want a knife to prepare their food in their kitchen with. Buying a pocket knife is the least of their worries. It is an unfortunate truth that most people won't go out of their way to support things that they themselves don't believe in nor practice.
According to documents obtained by the New York Civil Liberties Union, the NYPD has greatly increased their practice of "stop and frisk" at innocent citizens, which amounts to arbitrary warrantless searches of an individual's person at the whim of any policeman in direct violation of their 4th amendment rights. In the first half of 2010, more than 276,000 New Yorkers were stopped, frisked, and entered into a government database. In effect, if not actuality, NYC has become a fascist totalitarian police state.

Link to article is HERE.
I have put in all of my auction sites that because of new york new knife laws I will not ship to that state. I dont need the trouble. I have sold a heck of lot to people that live in new york but not no more untill they straigh this out.
I have put in all of my auction sites that because of new york new knife laws I will not ship to that state. I dont need the trouble. I have sold a heck of lot to people that live in new york but not no more untill they straigh this out.

I doubt that will happen. New York is thoroughly corrupt, and they wallow in it. Little people have no effect on the laws, even by voting. Once a law has been passed it is nearly impossible to overturn -- even if it is demonstrably injust and counterproductive. They just want to make as many things illegal as possible so they have the power to do whatever they want to anyone at any time. Now they can put you through the system for a pocketknife, taking away your freedom and branding you with an indelible mark that will follow you forever, as NY is, I believe, the only state that does not expunge or seal criminal convictions. Even an arrest with no conviction will show up on your record as a conviction, since the disposition is not listed on the rap sheet, only the charge.
KDUJ made a good point that if this is mainly a NYC thing, why stop shipping state wide? How about just NYC? That'd make more sense considering the business shipping there could be getting themselves into some hot water. Though upstate NY doesn't seem like it'd be an issue. A lot more relaxed on this sort of thing. At the least in the Rochester area.

Thing about taking control of your government is, you have to care enough. Do you think the average NYC resident cares about this sort of thing? They just want a knife to prepare their food in their kitchen with. Buying a pocket knife is the least of their worries. It is an unfortunate truth that most people won't go out of their way to support things that they themselves don't believe in nor practice.

Fair points one and all though this is (IMO) less about knife rights and more about corrupt politicians. Extortion is something for which you and I would go to jail - why not this criminal DA?
Fair points one and all though this is (IMO) less about knife rights and more about corrupt politicians. Extortion is something for which you and I would go to jail - why not this criminal DA?

Because the DA is the one who files the extortion charges. He's about as likely to charge himself with extortion as the cops are to arrest themselves for their part in it.
According to documents obtained by the New York Civil Liberties Union, the NYPD has greatly increased their practice of "stop and frisk" at innocent citizens, which amounts to arbitrary warrantless searches of an individual's person at the whim of any policeman in direct violation of their 4th amendment rights. In the first half of 2010, more than 276,000 New Yorkers were stopped, frisked, and entered into a government database. In effect, if not actuality, NYC has become a fascist totalitarian police state.

Link to article is HERE.

I disagree with you to some extent here. The reason the law is so ambiguous and the reasons for the stop and frisk don't really have anything to do with the actions of the DA. When more common sense was being employed, it allowed the police to use their judgement. They could stop and bust scumbags that their experience told them were up to no good - for say, carrying a sharpened screwdriver. I'm in favor of this and it has made NYC a much safer place. I've never been stopped by the NYPD and I wouldn't expect to be - But now, the DA is grandstanding and making the police go after knives so they look like they are doing something. He is doing this for his own political gain. I've said before that NYC does not have a knife culture the way a more rural area would. The stores that sold knives, for the most part, made their money selling other things. It's a shame. The police generally know who the good guys and the bad guys are. It's the DA making a play that's causing the problem.

The police generally know who the good guys and the bad guys are.

If Officer Friendly is having a bad day, EVERYONE is a bad guy. And if you have a legal pocketknife that he can flip open, well, you're going to jail. Even if you've never been arrested for anything and were on your way to church.

I know for a fact that NYSP routinely searches the cars of anyone they pull over for a moving or equipment violation, if they think they might find something. Being on the road after 10 PM is all the reason they need to pull you over. Because you were "weaving within your lane" or made "a furtive movement."
If Officer Friendly is having a bad day, EVERYONE is a bad guy. And if you have a legal pocketknife that he can flip open, well, you're going to jail. Even if you've never been arrested for anything and were on your way to church.

I know for a fact that NYSP routinely searches the cars of anyone they pull over for a moving or equipment violation, if they think they might find something. Being on the road after 10 PM is all the reason they need to pull you over. Because you were "weaving within your lane" or made "a furtive movement."

I'm speaking specifically about the situation in NYC and the extortion being committed by the DA. I don't know if you have any experience in NYC with the police, but mine, in the past, has suggested that they had their priorities straight. Anybody can run into a police officer who is having a bad day, anywhere. I was pulled over within the past year by NYSP for a "rolling stop" at a stop sign and the officer let me go with a warning and no search (probably because I admitted to the infraction, which I had actually committed, right from the start). My point is, that these same laws have been on the books for many years. It's the DA that is stirring up trouble.

Some how this is getting a little ridicules that so many on-line retailers and others are reading into what happened as a state wide action. To my knowledge, this is the New York County DA twisting his interpretation of the laws regarding switchblades and gravity knives. There has been no change in the state laws, the laws with in his jurisdiction have not changed.

The New York City Police have been following a directive to increase arrests and the average citizen is an easy target for them. Yes this is a problem that everyone should be concerned with but it does not change the fact that the state is being blamed for 1 county DA’s actions. It does not help when we become alienated by not selling any knives, folding or fixed, to the rest of us who do not reside or work in that county.

This is a concern for all pro-knife individuals regardless of what county or state you live and work. We need to be careful that this does not get a foot hold anywhere. I don't know the answer, I do know placing blame on the state residents and cutting them off from purchases will only make the NY County DA stronger and it will become increasingly difficult to beat this injustice.
Has Knife Rights developed any letters? I'm going to write my representatives to express my unhappiness with what the NY DA is doing to us. I don't think writing anyone in NYC would help because while I spend a lot of time there, I don't live there and they would view me as an "outsider". It would be best if we coordinate, and deliver a consistent message. Any thoughts on a template for a letter?

Fair points one and all though this is (IMO) less about knife rights and more about corrupt politicians. Extortion is something for which you and I would go to jail - why not this criminal DA?

I guess the knife rights is one of the more visible signs of the change though. The behind the scenes action and change in policy is even less likely to be noticed or cared about by most. Though admittedly there is a bigger picture to all this.

Truly, I have no clue why people make things more difficult than they have to be and complicate their lives. Especially when the people in question are not of the true general population and are able to change the way we live. Bad enough you have a neighbor who goes crazy because his lawn isn't green enough, but you'll have a senator who doesn't like it and gets legislation passed on it. Just a metaphor on that last bit.
There was a time,not too long ago,when I would carry a locking,clipped knife in NYC without any concern. I have friends who are active and retired NYPD and they never used to express much concern with most of my choices. Like a Spyderco delica or an Emerson Mini CQC 7,Benchmade Mini AFCK,etc. But,it seems over the last ten years it has become increasingly hostile for knife carriers in NYC. And after talking with those same LEO friends,I do not carry any locking knives in NYC. If I foresee the need to carry something sharp when paying NYC a visit, I choose something like a slip-joint SAK or small keychain SAK/Leatherman. I do not want any hassles. And I do not want to get arrested for a weapons charge,even if the law is being interpreted in a ridiculous manner.
And my only comments about the current manhattan da is that absolute power currupts absolutely.
I'm curious and maybe you can ask your LEO buddies - what about a small fixed blade? The law doesn't say anything about them. I'm thinking something like a 3" or 2.75" fixed blade. One that isn't tacti-cool - something utilitarian. Please post if they have any feedback. Thanks.

I'm curious and maybe you can ask your LEO buddies - what about a small fixed blade? The law doesn't say anything about them. I'm thinking something like a 3" or 2.75" fixed blade. One that isn't tacti-cool - something utilitarian. Please post if they have any feedback. Thanks.

It is up to the individual officer. "Dangerous knife" is undefined, and "dagger" is commonly interpreted as "any fixed blade knife suitable for stabbing" -- it most certainly does not have to be double-edged. They can also throw "any item of like kind" at you, which means that even though your attorney and expert witness both proved that it is not a dagger, it is kinda sorta like a stabby thing, so the charge stands. Then there is the good old catch all default of "dangerous instrument" which means "hey, you could probably hurt someone with this." If you kick someone, your sneaker can get you a weapon charge in NY. There are precedents supporting that.

So, while your small fixed blade knife is technically legal, they can still bust you for it if they want to . . . and good luck getting the charge dropped. Also, while NYC municipal code says all knives must be concealed, NYS Penal Law says that a knife concealed on one's person or in one's car "implies intent to use it unlawfully" -- and here they are frisking people on the street for suspicion of being suspicious. It is a coin toss what will happen. No-one can say for sure, even if they're a LEO or an attorney. NY kinda sucks that way. :(
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