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"Paypal add 3%"

I just do what makes me happy, and avoid things that make me sad.
As a seller, it makes me sad to pay fees that are added on to the purchase price. This is why I never buy an item that requires me to pay an additional fee.
If given my choice of A) Knife for sale, $120 includes shipping and paypal fees, or B) Knife for sale, $100 plus 3.9% paypal, and $6.95 shipping.
I will choose A everytime.

As a seller, I consider the paypal fees as a cost of doing business, and therefore consider it as a part of the total asking price.
one more off the list, 2% for me to pay you? what a scam.

if you dont like paypal rules then dont use them, its that simple.

This goes for the buyer as well. If a seller has a pay pal account for the convenience of the customer and the customer chooses to use pay pal and/or needs to they should expect the fees for using it not the person that would rather be paid another way. Honestly after reading your posts I'm beginning to see why you have zero feedback in your account profile.

Paypal is just like customers using a credit card and the retailer is charged a percentage for the use. Most retailers mark items up for this and most have a dollar mark limit they put on cards. If you want all your money add the 3% before you total it. If not dont worry about it.
I would like to thank those that posted against adding paypal fees, I have learned something here today, and for an older guy that is something. I guess I really never thought that it was a problem to add those fees, didn't know people would be turned off by that , I was actually trying to give the best value. As a result of what I have learned, I am going to change my ads.

Dave Anderson

Its perfectly understandable in my opinion when wording such as this (see below) is right there in the pay pal agreement. Its also understandable when many businesses and not just small ones ask people to add for whatever fees apply. The fact is most people skim over contracts, especially long contracts with fine print. Still though most customers always appreciate someone being honest with them about where their money goes. It sounds like to me some people would rather fuss over pennies than just figure that it all works out in the end anyways because one way or the other the fees are added into the price whether they like it or not. From this stand point it should be obvious that its not worth fighting over a few % points. What I don't get is why is it always the non paying members of the forums that complain the most about these kind of things raising the most stink? I guess they have a problem with paying for a membership fee also. At least thats all I can figure.


-The sender of the payment determines who pays the fee. At the time the sender is completing the payment, the sender is given the option to either pay the fee or have the recipient pay the fee.
If everyone just kept a balance in their paypal account and sent the payment as a gift, then NO ONE pays a fee :-)

Can't we all just get along???
Well based on what I've seen in this thread I'm going to just increase my prices by 4% rather than tack on 2% for a handling fee. Thank you, I appreciate the info this thread has given me.

I don't know but I would think sending money as a gift when its for a purchase would also be against their rules. I doubt they would find out but for me it wouldn't be worth the risk.
Well based on what I've seen in this thread I'm going to just increase my prices by 4% rather than tack on 2% for a handling fee. Thank you, I appreciate the info this thread has given me.

I don't know but I would think sending money as a gift when its for a purchase would also be against their rules. I doubt they would find out but for me it wouldn't be worth the risk.

Well, you're also not supposed to use paypal for gun related stuff, yet people do that all the time too.

i guess i don`t understand the problem here. as a knife buyer i personally just refuse to pay the extra tacked on 3-4 % pp fees that a seller demands. if the seller doesn`t realize they are losing perspective buyers because of the pp % fees demand then its they`re loss. they will figure it out sooner or later. :rolleyes: