Purple! Because Ice cream has no bones!

That is wild Scott! I love seeing stuff like that, I always try to reverse engineer how it was made.....usually I give up and blame it on magic:oops:
That is wild Scott! I love seeing stuff like that, I always try to reverse engineer how it was made.....usually I give up and blame it on magic:oops:
Thanks Bubba, I attribute it to FM. :p
Going home to someone this week. :rolleyes:
That is freaking wild!
The guy getting it better appreciate it. That had to take some work.:eek:
If you rake pinecones as though the raking itself, is important, you are doing more than (sad to say) many do in a lifetime. Be content within your own accomplishments and you are set free. :thumbsup:

(Hey - is he going for it? ;))

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There are works of art that for some reason are considered priceless even though they do nothing but hang on a wall somewhere. Then there are truly priceless working works of art.
Scott, your working works of art are simply mind blowing.
Thank you, sir.
There are works of art that for some reason are considered priceless even though they do nothing but hang on a wall somewhere. Then there are truly priceless working works of art.
Scott, your working works of art are simply mind blowing.
Thank you, sir.
Big wind headed your way John, batten down the hatches. Worse I've ever been through...
Thanks for the heads up, I see they're calling for a little bit of rain in the early morning. It looked like it was gonna storm today but fizzled out.
We might've been on the tail end of it here, lots of power outages with trees down from Polson south. Totally bummed. I had raked up and dumped eleven wheelbarrow loads of winterfall pinecones, and now my yard is is loaded back up with 'cones and small branches, and everything is wet to boot. I may just go back to bed...