Quick Poll: Most Durable Mini-tool ??

My M4 is on the way and to be honest, the Jazzman's story shook me a little bit... and to Mark..why? The bottle opener is a tool i dont really plan on using because my lighter functions just as well, is very accessible all the time, and is just plain more fun, but why be careful with it?
notos&w said:
it is not the most versatile but the sebertech M2 is indestructible.

I would disagree with that statement. The M2 is actually quite easy to break if you apply a lot of pressure on the handles.

There was a review (to with the link is now dead) by Roy Huntington in
Guns Magazine, August 1998 issue comparing the Swiss+Tech Micro-Plus to the SeberTech. Here is part of that review:

"Now for the bad news. In an effort to keep this fair, I also tested the "SeberTech Mini-Tool" manufactured by SeberTech, after the introduction of the Swiss-Tech. Outwardly, it looks a lot like the Swiss-Tech but folds up differently and offers similar functions like screwdrivers, wire cutter, pliers and the ability to be clipped onto a key ring.

I put both the "Swiss-Tech" and the "SeberTech" tools to work in the real world to see what would happen. Having had the Swiss-Tech around for quite a while I was familiar with its abilities and had never had any problems in the past, so hopes were high.

I tried using the Swiss-Tech pliers, screwdrivers and cutter on anything I could find around the shop and it performed great. I could bear down hard enough to hurt my hand in the "plier-mode" and it never gave up. Looks like a "six-bullet" endorsement here.

Now for the sad part. I put the SeberTech tool through the same paces but promptly found the plier handle broke off. I bought another one hoping that mine was defective for some reason and when I squeezed the plier together in the store, it broke in the same place as the other one."