Random Thought Thread

I haven't been to Fargo since.

"Somebody back east is wondering, "Why don't he write?", you betcha."

(with apologies to "Dances With Wolves")
I see those pretty much everyday around my house. Nice image. What part of the AT were you on?
Standing Bear to Hot Springs. Trying to decide if we want to use the rest of our ā€œAnniversaryā€ vacation time heading to Samā€™s gap or just head to Asheville for a couple nights and day hike there.
If it's open, the Pisgah Inn on the BRP is (or was) a nice place to stay and do some day hikes from. And you can use it as a base to go to Asheville, Brevard, Waynesville, etc.

Lots of good vistas and accessible day hikes from there and still have some convenience to come back to.
It's been 20 years ....

... when I lost a bet with my team. So I had to go bungee jumping from a bridge in the Austrian alps.





You should also know that I have a height phobia :(

Definitely a one timer. Filed under category "Been there, done that".

Happy Mon, all.

Nice one, Roland.

I got into technical rock and mountain climbing back in the early 70's to overcome my fear of heights. (Didn't cure it, just allowed me to deal with it for a couple of decades.)

When I went skydiving courtesy of a gov't operation in AZ, I told the guys I was jumping with that I had to go first or I wouldn't want to go out the door.

One of the guys says to me: "But you're a mountain climber, you shouldn't be bothered by this".

To which I replied..."Yeah, but when we get to the top, we don't jump off!".
