The 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details:
Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges.
Order here: - Order as many as you like, we have plenty.
At the request of Grey Menace, please excuse me being quite anal, while I add input about the 1973 to 2004 SCHRADE stamps:
1973 to 2004 is a pretty broad time frame and most would like to narrow down the age of the knife some.
Let me present some examples of Old Timer tang stamps within the 1973 to 2004 years. In each of these examples, the first stamp shown is the 1973 Stamp that followed Schrade Walden or when the pattern was introduced (194OT), and the second stamp shown is the one used when the pattern ended:
Example 1: 34OT
3 Line Stamp with NY USA on line 2, and pattern on 3rd line
Typical 2 Line Stamp with pattern on 2nd Line
In the case of the 34OT, Schrade did not issue the knife in a 3 line version without NY in the second line.
Example 2: 194OT
3 Line Stamp, but no NY on 2nd Line
Typical 2 Line Stamp with pattern on 2nd Line
In the case of the 194Ot, Schrade did not issue the knife with a NY USA stamp.
Example 3: 8OT
2 Line Stamp, NY on 2nd line (pattern number is on back of tang, in the style of the Schrade Walden versions)
Typical 2 Line Stamp with pattern on 2nd Line
In the case of the 8OT, neither matches the one in the original graphic, and there well could have been a Schrade 8OT with a NY USA 2nd line, and the 8OT on the 3rd line, but I've not seen one for sure.
As another example, as far as I know, the 77OT came out in 1976, and it had the typical 2 Line Stamp during the entire production years, never utilizing NY or a 3 Line Stamp.
A couple more examples of Uncle Henry knives
Example 5: 897UH
This version was a 4 Line Stamp, prior to SCHRADE+
The typical 2 Line Stamp.
Example 6: 885UH
A 3 Line Stamp, no mention of STAINLESS or a +, but it is not Carbon
The typical 2 Line Stamp.
In each case, the first stamp is these examples came from a knife that was shipped in a Brown Two Piece Box with a felt covered blue (Old Timer) or red (Uncle Henry) insert.
The Open Stock knives (for example, jigged delrin and some yellow handled knives) followed the same stamping trend. I have numerous patterns of Open Stock Schrades with these same examples, depending on the pattern. Most of the Open Stock knives came over from Schrade Walden, so most of them are found with NY USA in the second line of the stamp, and some with the pattern stamped on the pile side.
In summary, and in my general observations, with the exception of SFO editions and LTD's, with post 1973 Schrades, the NY USA and 3 Line Stamps followed the Schrade Walden years, and were present in knives that spanned both era's, plus a few new patterns after 1973. I do not know when any particular pattern may have switched to the final version.
I would appreciate it if anyone has a SCHRADE Old Timer or Uncle Henry with a 3 Line Stamp, with or without NY if you would add to this list.
108OT (NY)
33OT (NY)
34OT (NY)
8OT (NY - pattern on back)
8OT (NY)
885UH (NY)
Enough on stamps for now, if you made it to the end of this obsessive post.
I found these matching 8OT and 881 3 liners.And I've now seen an brown delrin 8OT with 3 lines and a smooth striker too. I have an 881Y and with three lines and a smooth striker as well.
thawk the stamp freak
Trent,I hereby submit this to my fellow Schradians for educational purposes, discussion, and critique
Do the font types look correct?
The bottom 3 look like they the only ones with seriffed fonts?
In theory the COPE USA ones are worth more?
SUPPLY and demand?
Or, where they of inferior quality offsetting the added value from being scarce??
What is the Holy Grail for the COPE Schrades?
The images are attached to my comment. If you are on your phone, you might have to hold your finger on them until a menu pops up and you can select to view them. I couldn't figure out how to attach the image where it would show up, so I attached a link to the image.Please show us some images.