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I don't totally disagree with this, except that contrary to what the PD said, the only reason they are required by policy to destroy these guns is because of the policy that they wrote. No higher authority is requiring them to do so.

I can see why people would get pissed about that. I guess that I am just trying to put myself in the shoes of the main actors here. We can presume that BM supports their local police and does projects with them. The cops asked BM to be involved with this (for whatever reason none of us knows) and BM agreed due to relationship. Then some knucklehead with no PR experience takes a couple of pictures and boasts about relationship with BM on social media. Et voilà! Huge headache for BM.

I have a buddy with a farm in Oregon City and, though he is not a knife guy, he knows Benchmade and has a friend who is proud to work there. From what I gather, the company is engaged in the community and that includes the police. I just am not able to wrap my mind around a nefarious, anti-gun conspiracy by Benchmade. To me, it seems like a big dust up over very little, as is so common on every media platform nowadays and I think it is a shame.
Help me understand your reasoning. I'm pretty open minded.

I have spent thousands of dollars over the years on Benchmade knives. A portion of that money went to politicians who actively engage in efforts to forcibly remove my rights.

Explain how you could spin this as a "phony" controversy.

I have spent hundreds of dollars at Chic-fil-a over the years and my money funds political donations they make that I do not agree with. However, I have additional awareness. I am pro-fried chicken. I love it. The company does a lot of good things for the pro-fried chicken community. I am aware that there is yin and yang, ebb and flow, and that the world is not black and white. They are not evil and I do not wish them ill. I had Chick-fil-a for lunch yesterday, right here in Democratic Southern Californa where there is always a line at Chick-fil-a. Then I drove to my home where I keep my pistols and rifles and shotguns and ate my delicious lunch.

I am not going to shoot myself in the foot to spite reality. Pun intended.
That is a pretty funny picture but no, I don't think there is a Benchmade gun-destroying conspiracy.

But thanks to that gun destroying picture we now know who Benchmade supports. The gun destruction no longer matters.

But they did piss on our head and tell us it's raining with the BS story about special tools, and having to do it.

I'll bet if one were to keep digging they would keep finding.
I can see why people would get pissed about that. I guess that I am just trying to put myself in the shoes of the main actors here. We can presume that BM supports their local police and does projects with them. The cops asked BM to be involved with this (for whatever reason none of us knows) and BM agreed due to relationship. Then some knucklehead with no PR experience takes a couple of pictures and boasts about relationship with BM on social media. Et voilà! Huge headache for BM.

I have a buddy with a farm in Oregon City and, though he is not a knife guy, he knows Benchmade and has a friend who is proud to work there. From what I gather, the company is engaged in the community and that includes the police. I just am not able to wrap my mind around a nefarious, anti-gun conspiracy by Benchmade. To me, it seems like a big dust up over very little, as is so common on every media platform nowadays and I think it is a shame.

It's a shame you didn't bother to read the thread as I just posted this.

Did you miss the part where BM Lied about it's Nine year history of giving tens of thousands of dollars to political gun grabbing politicians?


Or BM lieing about being "required" to destroy the guns?
Or that he Chief of Police in Oregon City being anti 2A?

Did your "buddy" forget to mention any of that?

It was a failed PR attempt and BM owns it.
Why would you repeat that obvious lie?

Oregon law allows the police Dept to sell those guns.

There was no court order for destruction.

The police chief personally wanted them destroyed. He is an openly anti 2A gun grabber.
He isn't a judge, and it's his own policy, not a law.

Benchmade is trying to cover up their mistake by spewing this nonsense hoping the public is too dumb to understand Oregon laws.
Honestly I don't give enough of a crap about this to bother looking up or trying to interpret Oregon law. Vote with your dollars. You have your opinion, I have mine, for better or worse.
I have spent hundreds of dollars at Chic-fil-a over the years and my money funds political donations they make that I do not agree with.
Has Chic-Fi-A claimed to be a "proud and unwavering supporter of Second Amendment rights"?

If not, I don't see the reason for comparison.
Honestly I don't give enough of a crap about this to bother looking up or trying to interpret Oregon law. Vote with your dollars. You have your opinion, I have mine, for better or worse.

You gave enough of a crap to repost a lie without bothering to educate yourself on the facts available at the click of a mouse.

The law is very clear, and simply written. It's not my opinion.
I take more issue with the donations to anti-2a liberals than I do with them destroying guns from court cases, etc. Due process was given prior to court orders being issued for the destruction of those firearms, so I see no infringement. Benchmade didn't go take those guns from anyone, they merely assisted a law enforcement agency to carry out their legal duties knowing that refusing to help wasn't going to prevent the guns from being destroyed -- the police would've just taken them someplace else and spent (more) taxpayer dollars to achieve the same end result.

I'm far from a BM fan boy but I think everyone needs to slow their roll a bit on this one.
Veterinarians have to euthanize pets, do you think pictures of them killing doggies in the waiting rooms would be good for business or bad for business?
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