Strider BT Carry help!

just can't quite get the hang of putting in a picture.
Anybody have the time to explain the right way?
I have my pic's in Imagestation waiting to come over here, but it seems they don't want to listen.
Thanks for the help. Dean
Hello! I just went to the Strider web-site about a half hour ago. Then I came to the forum and noticed some postings about Strider blades. Man do these knives look tough. I personally like the BT the most already. That thing looks amazing!

As for the concealed carry. Have you ever seen the movie Crocodile Dundee 2? I believe he carried his huge ass bowie strapped to his back (the thing is the claymore of knives). I'm sure you could fashion a device to get your sheath to hang over your shoulder, down the back, and then lashed to your belt at the bottom. Otherwise, maybe using a shoulder holster with your knife strapped to the cross pattern on the back of the holster might work. I couldn't see any bulge on Crocodile Dundee's back when he was carrying.:)