Survival Scenario #336

Dec 16, 2004

OK, you're not sure how, but you just woke up in the middle of the desert, at the very computer you are sitting at now ... It is 5am and cold. Confused, you turn the computer on. For a brief moment you get onto the cantina, and find out the worst has happened .... and that everyone is meeting up at ..... which you estimate to be about 300 miles on foot, through the desert and then a swamp (reputed to have zombies), from your current location. The computer goes dead.

Literally remain seated and, without getting up to get the rifle out of the closet, grab 5 things to take with you to bring to the meeting spot to rebuild civilization .... and to get you there in the first place.

munk said:
You mean from what's on the desk in front of you?


Exactly. What can you grab from the chair you are sitting in? And also carry the distance to the meeting spot.
Bamboo said:
Exactly. What can you grab from the chair you are sitting in? And also carry the distance to the meeting spot.

Thank God for rolling chairs.

mPisi, technicality man.
Exactly- my chair has rollers and I'm going to the safe.
But there is a khuk next to the computer and a few other items.

That's brilliant mPisi. You'll be head lawyer in the rebuilding process. :D

~ b

edit ~ I should have said, " with one hand kept on the keyboard .... "

but of course, wireless keyboards. :rolleyes: :D
You're not going to believe a Browning Hi Power, an 18" GRS, a 12" sirupati, a surefire Aviator and a bottle of 18 year old scotch. :yawn: :D
From this chair there's a dearth of useful items withing grabbing range. Fortunately I am carrying a Schrade stockman and large Sebenza, so perhaps I can carve something useful from the chair itself...

Oh, it looks like my teenaged son has left a brand-new, unopened stick of Old Spice High Endurance deodorant next to the monitor. So I'm all set to roll.

Note to self: Consult with Bri for interior decorating advice.
All I can bring are teachers manuals, a cup of coffee, a glass of H2O and a box of kleenex. I'd have to stand up to reach my bilton and I cleaned the rest of my khuks and placed them in strategic spots around the house.....that's what I get for being prepared......I do have a candle, too. That could be nice. :D
BruiseLeee said:
I could probably survive for a week by eating the crumbs in my keyboard.


Good one!

Glad you said the computer and not the bedroom.


Springfield holster, mags and extra box of ball.

BGRS and Mora knife.

Sun Tzu on the desk, bible on the bench, and my broken buddha on the shelf. SAS mini manual here too.

Beer in the refrig behind me.

Mini-BOB in the closet. (full size is in the truck)

Forgot the handcuffs (WoooHooo), binocs, and the duct tape...

There is a pint of Beefeater on the ledge too, does that count?

How about a C cell mag light there too?
Does my bag count as one if I grab it as is? If so, I have a thing of paracord, a pair of pliers, a PrincetonTec Attitude, a Vivitar monocular, a heap of pens and pencils, a pair of knit gloves, a bird call that sounds like a crow and some DayQuil.

At my desk I have 6 Nature Valley granola bars, a standard Stanley screwdriver, a pairing knife, a small bottle of Brut, a pair of Mag-lites 1AAA & 2AA, scotch tape, an umbrella, some snapshots of my wife and the cats and a small pewter Buddha.

In my pockets I have a TOPS Prairie Fox and a Swede 88.

I could stuff all that in my small canvas surplus bag and be on my feet in under a minute. I know that's more than five things but it's what I would grab if I had to flee the office in a hurry. Maybe I'll post my home list later.

well let's see...

rubix cube, backscratcher, junk mail...

yea i'm dead.

Dave Hahn said:
well let's see...

rubix cube, backscratcher, junk mail...

yea i'm dead.


Those can be used as barter items. If you're good a haggling you might be better off than most. :)
Caught at work, hmm, not good. Lessee, 5 things...

Luckily I have a large climbers carabiner- a real one ($10), not aluminum junk. There's been street people harassing employees in the parking lot lately. This makes about the best brass knuckle you could imagine, and you can wear it in plain sight.

Blackie Collins razor knife with two spare blades in pocket today.

Within reach... my filing cabinet. A few hanging folders, but mostly condiments and... oh no.. not again... Chicken Tetrazzini, Vegetable Manicotti & Cheese Tortellini MRE's. About the worst ones, thats why they're here at work & uneaten. I would rather eat Bamboo's Chili. :barf: Unopened accesory packets, so coffee, tea, sugar, matches.

No flashlite, dangit. :mad: But if I can make it to my car, it will be a far prettier picture. Canteen, water pure tabs, a sharp HI BAS, many other needed things.

Must fight the Zombies to the car... worth it just for the BAS.

Ad Astra - 60% prepared. :(

Hey, are there Animal Zombies? I picture an Undead Alligator or escaped Undead Tiger or Lion, and that's just not a rosy picture.... :confused:
Great thread:D

Ok, i'm at work so i'm going to count what I have my person as well as what is on the desk and surrounding areas.
First, my trusty leatherman wave/AAA mini maglite on my belt. Hey, if a karda, chakma, and khuk count as one, then a baby flashlight and a multitool count as one, right?;) This will have just about every gadet i need and has a niffty bit kit for different screw or torq i come across. Next, I have my Spyderco Resuce 93 clipped to my pocket. Perfect for any fibers that need to be cut and razor sharp. Great emergency knife if i need to dress a wound cut some one free from a car. Next, I have a freshly filled zippo in the watch pocket of my jeans. I don't smoke, but i'm a firm believer in having a good fire with you at all times. Finally, i have 1/2 a liter of water and my sgt karka bilton.
Not exactly what I would want for zombie country, but the nearest stick i cross can be made into a good fire hardened spear. Honestly, i'd feel pretty good with this set up. If i only had an AK or WWII at the office. I'll have to make a note of that and get an a la Rusty back up, back up prgram a goin':D

You caught me in my recliner.

To my left:

1. An HS2K with five full 18 round mags (and one in the spout)
2. My Napoleon sword
3. My new Stag Malla
4. My weird little Tezdar (still trying to figure what that is for)
5. A razor sharp *old* Buffalo Skinner I just touched up yesterday
6. Common reading glasses
7. A pair of hemostats
8. The remote (it's *mine*...all *mine*)
9. Smokes and my good lighter
10. A P-38 can opener

I guess if I am only allowed 5 "items" for a zombie bugout, I'd have to pick:

#1 - The 9m/m (counts as 1 thing and a no-brainer)
#2 - The new Malla (I haven't tested it yet, but trust HI to save my life)
#3 - The P-38 (hey...canned stuff is good stuff and desert rats always stock up)
#4 - Smokes and a lighter (Fire! Yeah, right...I'm addicted to nicotine and zombie time is no time to quit!)
#5 - The Hemostats (there are a lot of little things hard to get a hold of!)

Wish I had at least *some* water next to me for this desert thing...

Get ready for a good laugh. Our computer sits in the middle of my wife's quilting "mess', literally mounds of little scraps of bright colored cloth...I mean I couldn't even make decent camo outta this $#!+ !!! Since I'm in my skivvies (now there's a picture ) I don't even have access to my normal pocket stuff... I'm em bare assed to say, I'll have to walk barefoot an' near nekked to meet you all. with a khuk or a pocket knife I might have been able to rough out a bow stave en route, but NOOOooo.... :rolleyes: :eek: :grumpy: