The Go/No-Go Gauge For A Book Or Rifle

The letter states that for them to add to their existing line a new writer must have a book that is, 'truly outstanding'. I'm thinking now that means Dune or Harry Potter.

I realized as I was in the bathroom taking a dump- which is likely to become the new highlight of my day in the post book life-

Hey! There's a working title!!

Hairy Potsmoker and the Chamber Pot of Horrors;) :thumbup:
That's distinctly Hollowdweller's world, isn't it? There's something irrepressable and timeless about a hippie.... When was the last Cheech and Chong Movie made?

munk said:
That's distinctly Hollowdweller's world, isn't it? There's something irrepressable and timeless about a hippie.... When was the last Cheech and Chong Movie made?


Well I DO have an outhouse (indoor plumbing too though) and there IS a chamber pot from the previous resident out in my cellar house.;)


Tommy Chong says they are working on a new one "Grumpy Old Stoners":D
You have my deepest sympathy.
Don't give up.
Hollow, you darn well know there is a part of me that will always be a 'stoner' to some degree... the kind of guy who thinks staying up late and watching Maverick reruns on TV a good thing to do...the kind of guy who laughs at Mr Whipple and thinks Brittany Spears a fascinating Grotesque of culture...

I'm hardly a representative sample of a Conservative, nor do I reflect the values of a classic liberal from my generation...a true Man without a country, I guess....I'll always be sympathetic to Dead heads.

munk said:
Hollow, you darn well know there is a part of me that will always be a 'stoner' to some degree... the kind of guy who thinks staying up late and watching Maverick reruns on TV a good thing to do...the kind of guy who laughs at Mr Whipple and thinks Brittany Spears a fascinating Grotesque of culture...

I'm hardly a representative sample of a Conservative, nor do I reflect the values of a classic liberal from my generation...a true Man without a country, I guess....I'll always be sympathetic to Dead heads.



I think of you more as a libertarian. Well, really most of the folks on here save a few.
Bah humbug and Merry Christmas

It is good to be alive and writing books.
I really can't leave my characters all alone. I'll have to think of something, but almost all of you already knew that. Thanks.

Strongly suggest that you resubmit to a different publisher.....let me know when you do get it published. I'm in line to buy a copy....
I can't presume to know you Munk, but I like your writings here. I think if you've got a plot in several parts, and are having trouble getting published, follow the Star Wars strategy. Release the climax first! Then when people are hooked, give them the meat to chew on. Lucas is a genious not because of his story, or his special affects. He is a marketing genious who knew that the best part of his story was what he should sell first!

I don't know what I'm talking about! Certainly remember that.
I realized this morning I like my characters too much to let them die. I'm still thinking of what to do. The second book can be a different book.

(and I did get a kick out of Kismet saying; 'throbbing, pulsating, etc etc' -very good -that was funny and it was free- you should listen to that, Kismet)

I hope there is no one else except Kismet who wishes to say 'poor'.
Most of you read the thread starter and know- I'm not going back. I am however allowed to experience this- and I am still thinking.

I've considered throwing a curtain of blood over every thing, but that isn't the answer. I think just writing the second book is what I'm going to do, though what form I do not know yet.

I wonder about first person- and utterly mad? Still thinking.

munk...speaking of a "curtain of blood" about a nice Zombie story with a khukuri wielding hero?
Yvsa is correct that there are many Sci Fi mags which are a logical place to start, for short stories about khuks and zombies.

My hero does have a Khuk. It is made by Sher, and I was really hoping it would become a cult classic so we could raise up the entire village around HI factory. You know how sci fi folks are- they would all have to have; 'one of those blades like ____ does." Sell a million khuks and send all the kids to medical school.

The blade gets mad and chops bad people up. It has a life of it's own and this is yet to be explored.

If it helps you can write in one of my ball peen hammers...
I'll put you in the next book if you give me a sincere effort so I can get it down right.

Maybe I had the cult thing all wrong- it'll be Nasty the cultural Icon.

Every effort I've given has been sincere...that's the best part of it all.

Great title for a book..."The Nasty Cultural Icon"

It'd be a best seller in state colleges across the country as a text for Abnormal Psych courses...
munk said:
Yvsa is correct that there are many Sci Fi mags which are a logical place to start, for short stories about khuks and zombies.

And coons, huge coons, you gotta work that in there somehow.
PuLEEEZE!! This ain't no time for sorrow, sympathy, or surrender.

Do. not. give. up. on. this. book.

Getting turned down by 1 (one) publisher does NOT constitute having trouble getting it published. You do NOT know what sort of business / financial or other issues these guys are dealing with right now.

Put yourself in their shoes. You just got a manuscript.

-- start dream sequence --
Scenario: You can't afford to pay editors enough for them to live in NYC. So you're trying to see if you can get a crew in Bangalore up to speed over the next 18 months. Heck, you can't keep paying your West Village rent for much longer. Hudson Street. That's the old "printing district", seems right for a publisher, but you had to farm out your printing to another part of the country a couple of years ago, so now you've got 12,000 feet but only need about 2000. You managed to sublet 8000 of it, but the bozo tenants are one of the few dot com's that hasn't either got belly up or figured out how to run a sustainable business. They're paying their rent, but how long will that last.

OK, here's this manuscript but your only acquisitions editor is on maternity leave. Hmm. Not bad, but until you get the guys from Bangalore on line, you'll have to work on this yourself. Oh, crap, there's another complaint from Barnes & Noble. Your channel sales manager really screwed up their orders and you might lose a lot of revenue there. Heck, let's just give this manuscript a pass since we don't have time to do it right. We're too short staffed to mail out the darn post card that says we recieved it. Anyway, this guy had his s**t together enough to finish the book and submit it to us. He's bound to find another publisher.
--end dream sequence--


I dunno what's the best way to get published. Is an agent a good idea? I don't know. Perhaps. I ran into someone who went the self-published route and has three novels in print now. She & and her husband pitch it at everything from flea markets to Amazon to a Good Morning America appearance. There's your worst-case scenario.
I like the characters too much to leave them stranded.

I'd miss them; know what I mean?
