The Go/No-Go Gauge For A Book Or Rifle

As has been said...don't give up. Take a good rifle and go kill something. Works for me every time. Besides, the arseholes who screen books don't know anything or they would be writing books instead of screening them.

Hang in there.

Nasty said:
Great title for a book..."The Nasty Cultural Icon"

Another working title - "Doing the Nasty: an American Cultural Icon."

We have a bestseller in the making here.
Sorry to hear about the yellow slip. I know you like usin' lotsa big fancy words an' gittin' awl filisofical an' stuff, but I think the reason is quite simple.

They're a buncha tasteless bassturds that wouldn't know true talent if it snuck up behind 'em and bit 'em in the rear.

You're writing is damn good. You deserve to be published. We deserve to see read what they publish. Please, try again someplace else.