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The new and improved Sher version of the Cherokee Rose. Where's Bro?

...I'm not exactly sure what's what here? But my gut is telling me that Uncle Bill's prescription of LAUGHTER and 'back into the fire of the forge' are the paths to follow:)
Come to think of it, April 1st is not that far off...Hmmmm....Wonder what Yvsa will have planned in return?...
you never know. He is probably out fireing up the Sweatlodge, he hasent replied in awhile. (Either that or he is driving to Reno to try out a few his collection.)
Okay so ya got a good joke on me.

You know if it had of been about anything but the Cherokee Rose I might have been able to handle it better.
After Death Dancer got angry with me for talking about my medical problems here a long time ago I have pretty much quit that.

About a month ago I was in my primary care physicians office and Dr.Hubner told me, "Yvsa, you are as good as you are going to get."
I finally broke down and started crying. Not for myself, but for my dear wife Barbie. Barbie has been having to do things for me that only babies need doing.
I am so swollen I can't bend my legs up enough to wash my own goddamned feet!!!!
At the time I couldn't even walk across my goddamned living room without getting set down and gasping for breath.
The only thing that kept me from walking into the back field with my .357 at the time is my dear wife Barbie. The Only Thing!!!!

Fortunately a neice insisted that she be allowed to take me to an acupuncturist.
Since then I have improved some. I am about to start on another procedure that may actually save my life and sanity, but I don't know if it's going to work or not as it's quite controversial.

This wasn't a good time for such a joke,
I put my heart and soul into the Cherokee Rose wanting it to be all I know it could be and not just wanting it for myself, but for everyone who might ever pick one up and say, "The man that did this design knew what he was doing."
I was hopeing for that for all of you.

It's now my turn to take some time off from the forums.
Y'all take care.
Bro, all I can say is forgive me for my bad timing and poor sense of humor. I'd rather die than offend you.

I'll get that Cherokee Rose made the way you want it even if it means a trip to Nepal and standing over forge and kamis to do it.

As soon as I hit the reply button I'm going to go in to the puja area and send up some smoke for both of us.

You WILL be okay and you're going to last longer than you think and be better than you think you can be. Trust me and believe me.

Prayer works.
The laughter has turned to tears.

But I don't regret making the post. Bro needs some prayers and the post has made this apparent.
I think Bro must be feeling pretty bad -- if you read his stuff in the Phantom thread you can see he can take and give with the best of them.