The return to SNARKdom

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Speaking of roads, I Uber'ed for the first time on Friday. And I finished my first half-marathon on Saturday even though training kind of went sideways the last couple of weeks. Came in under two hours, which was the goal. Today, I hung out in a tree for a while, dialing in some new gear and trying an ascending technique with my sport climbing harness.

Cool. What asecending method did you use? Personal fave for short to mid-length distences involves using an ascender and a Gri Gri. The Gri Gri eleminates any accidental disengagement from the system and also allows for fast and easy rapping.
Drink good beer.
Contents of the fridge:


Looks like you're practicing what you preach!
Rope walker is different from frog. Frog is a squat/stand/repeat system.

Petzl Vulcans are nice. 40kN. I have a couple. The Omega Pacifics are even stronger at 51kN. Best aluminum 'biners I've found are the Kong Guide Screwgates at 30kN.

Here's the new rig...


Nice setup with that Petzl Croll. Very efficient.
also i horrified Ethan with Dyneema ratings :D

he's already horried by current tech...

the fact that 2.2 mm line has support 680 lbs static? whoa.

Yeah, Dyneema is pretty amazing. Are you using it for throw bags?
Took the AP English test today, hoping I'll get out of college English next year
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Took the AP English test today, hoping I'll get out of collage English next year

Magic 8-ball says "don't hold your breath."

Unless you're referring to an art class, in which case my bad. ;)
hopefully the AP English test takes into account auto-correct.
Cool. What asecending method did you use? Personal fave for short to mid-length distences involves using an ascender and a Gri Gri. The Gri Gri eleminates any accidental disengagement from the system and also allows for fast and easy rapping.

See post 977! I have thought about a Gri Gri for the gym, but don't have one yet.
"It comes in pints??"

That's a 16oz Ball jar!
Goes down faster without the taper to the glass. No, really. Also, it's more stable. :)

Especially handy feature when there are that many "contents" involved ;). Personally, I just blow off any sort of third party imbibement vessel. I mean, it's already IN a container that has a convenient opening for malt beverage contents to be transferred directly to the h. sapiens holding said beverage. And the requisite insulatory container placement device (aka koozy, gozinta and other regional names) keeps it at a perfect drinking temperature. Glass? First law of thermodynamics, daiz. All that heat from your hand is warming your libations. To each, I reckon.
I didn't know collage english was the same as serial killer note writing. I might have to re-think my education.

It's one thing to write ransom or bragging notes, it's another thing to do it using proper grammatical style.
Especially handy feature when there are that many "contents" involved ;). Personally, I just blow off any sort of third party imbibement vessel. I mean, it's already IN a container that has a convenient opening for malt beverage contents to be transferred directly to the h. sapiens holding said beverage. And the requisite insulatory container placement device (aka koozy, gozinta and other regional names) keeps it at a perfect drinking temperature. Glass? First law of thermodynamics, daiz. All that heat from your hand is warming your libations. To each, I reckon.

Indeed, though I prefer to be able to SMELL my lovely beverages, which is an experience rather hampered by bottles and cans. Also, I do not like ice-cold beer unless it's beer so crappy I'd rather not taste it. Like, you know, the brands that advertise the temperature of their product rather than the taste.
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