The Snarking Dead Season 3 Chat Thread

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i will allow until noon saturday for y'all to adjust your posts...

or i WILL. plus banning and other losses.

you know of what i speak.

otherwise, well, i lock this thread, and there will be no snarking for a while. got it? good.

make it not happen. all of you. including reposters/quoters.

the goddamn batman is not pleased


Ever since All Star Batman and Robin, I can never think of Batman without thinking of him as "The Goddamned Batman."

Loved that series.
I already wear a cape everyday anyways so feathers wouldn't be a stretch I guess

Sometimes we tend to overemphasize the importance of cape composition and fabric choices. Subtlety is the key. A tastefully done feather cape never really goes out of style.

I'd go with it.
Sometimes we tend to overemphasize the importance of cape composition and fabric choices. Subtlety is the key. A tastefully done feather cape never really goes out of style.

I'd go with it.

I think my neighbors rooster might try and rape me if I wore a feather cape outside.
Officials released the name of the latest fatality of the Aurora shootings. The victim goes by the name "Freedom of Speech."

Dear people who failed elementary school civics:

The 1st Amendment applies restrictions to the actions of the government. A private organization such as this is not subject to these restrictions. Stop and think about it.
Dear people who failed elementary school civics:

The 1st Amendment applies restrictions to the actions of the government. A private organization such as this is not subject to these restrictions. Stop and think about it.

indeed. by being on this forum, you've already agreed to limit your speech, and hold hands and sing kumbahyah, and be modersated if need be.

shouting fire in a crowded theatre is protected speech apparently, as re-ruled in 1969... iirc.

not here though ;)
shouting fire in a crowded theatre is protected speech apparently, as re-ruled in 1969... iirc.

How about shouting 'evacuate!' in a crowded restroom?


Apparently I like green LOL

My nephew brought me a was empty it has Beam. Life is good.

Apparently I like green LOL

My nephew brought me a was empty it has Beam. Life is good.
I saw one of those the other day somewhere. Damn near picked one up, just for the hell of it.
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