The Sunday Picture Show (February 11th, 2024)


Gold Member
Mar 21, 2011

Hello and welcome to the Sunday Picture Show. Share your Buck knives with others by posting pictures of them here. New or old, plain or custom, user or safe queen, one or a collection, we love to see them all. This weekly tradition was started in 2010 by ItsTooEarly (Armand Hernandez) and Oregon (Steve Dunn). Help keep the tradition alive. Feel free to click that 'LIKE' but lets not let it replace discussing and complimenting each others knives. DeSotoSky (Roger Yost)

On this day, February 11, 1861. Something I did not learn in High School
US House unanimously passes resolution guaranteeing noninterference with slavery in any state

The Corwin proposed Amendment
“No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State.”
Notice the word "slave" was avoided. Yes, the South succeeded over slavery but the North fought the war to preserve the Union. This amendment if ratified would have been the 13th Amendment to our Constitution. (let that sink in) It was an attempt to placate the South and convince them to stay in the Union. The South did not trust the North and the amendment was never ratified.
South Carolina’s 1860 Declaration of Secession listed Northern states’ refusal to enforce federal fugitive slave laws and President Abraham Lincoln’s "policies that attack the institution of slavery" as the reasons for leaving the Union.
Lincoln could have let the Southern states succeed and avoided war but his primary goal was preservation of the Union, not ending slavery. Clearly there was some sentiment at the time to compromise on the slavery issue to preserve the Union. In an 1862 letter to Horace Greely Abraham Lincoln wrote...
My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that….
To wrap this up, compare the proposed 1861 Corwin proposed Amendment of 1861 with our actual 13th Amendment ratified December 6th, 1865.
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
Everyone will agree that the ending of Slavery as a result of the Civil War was a good thing but reasons to fight a war are much more complex when looking at both sides of the coin. (ask Niki Haley:):))

What's in your junk Drawer?
Admit it, we all have them. Not every knife I own is bright and shiny. Here are the 3 most recent additions to mine. A 70's 3-line 4-spacer Pathfinder, '72-'74 V5-3 110, and a 313 Muskrat by Camillus. Do you ever buy stuff you really don't need? I have every one of these NIB but I can't pass up a bargain. Perhaps I'll justify it to myself, how about a truck knife, toolbox knife, and a letter opener. Yeah, that's how I'll justify it to myself. After all, I can't use the NIB ones.
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Excllent topic today, I have had this oldie for years, Yard Sale find if I remember correctly - has a great edge, perfect function no wobble, Original sheath ,Took some fine sandpaper to remove the grinder marks
This is the one that gets used the most . I consider it perfectly aged - Thank you for the SPS Pete
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This Vantage Select was purchased at junk pricing, and then the blade was shortened to qualify as legal in a State that requires a 3" or less blade length to be carried concealed. So to others it has very little value, but I have enjoyed carrying and using it for the last 14 years. It is sharp and easy to keep that way, and it seems almost bullet proof.

Not in the junk drawer by any means, but I bought this 703 about 40 years ago. It's been semi-retired for some time, because it developed a crack on the show side scale. It was only the second stockman that I ever bought. And, yes, I still have the first one & it's semi-retired also.
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No Bucks in my junk drawer...
Great topic for the Sunday Picture Show, Roger. Thank you for being dedicated and creative with topics. Thanks also to all who post photos and comment..

Not that I have never bought a junky Buck, when I do I have bought it with the intention of sending it to the Spa or using it.

This 5V-3V(I think) was purchased with the idea of using it ,but, sending it to Leroy for a cover change. The ones on it are so different and at the time I didn't like them. After a few weeks of carrying it and using it I decided I liked it so it remains as is.

China Bucks are seen as 'junk' knives by some but in the last few years I had a little change of heart about them.. I was gifted this big Buck recently and love this thing! Light as a feather (almost lol) and admitly kinda weird looking it has a fantastic grip and is very very sharp. I have always liked big blades even though I have no real use for them other than taking on watermelons. I like the theme you picked this week because I too have a hard time passing up a real bargain even if it's beater. But Bucks only! I have a little pile someday I will send in for a Spa and/or reblades but since it's been at least a dozen years since I started the pile I don't think it will be soon..20240209_144826.jpg