There is always room for improvement! 💪🏼

Still in pain here…
I don't know if you run regularly, or how important it is to you to recover quickly, but I'll mention a few principles from sprinter's training as far as hamstring injuries.
There are 3 grades of hamstring tears, and we'll assume you have grade 1 or 2 at the worst since grade 3 would make it difficult to stand and you'd likely have a visible separation in the muscle and lots of bruising.
Immediately after a strain, you stop running, prevent further damage. You can ice it for the first day or two, but not excessively, say 10 minutes on then at least 20 minutes off. You want to avoid stretching, especially static stretching.
Starting on day 3, you can warm up on a stationary bike for 5-10 minutes. Then try 10 minutes of marching and skipping drills, no extension. This next part is key. Find a slight hill with 7-10 degree incline. Mark out every meter with chalk or a small rock. Start from a standing start and gently accelerate (up the hill), but only 2 or 3 steps, shutting down after 2 meters. Don't open the stride or move quickly. Do it again, then again, exploring if 3 meters is comfortable, then 4. Do 10-15 reps, maybe getting out to 6 meters on the first day. Then do the whole thing again the next day taking it a little further. After 5-8 days when you can smoothly accelerate for 12 meters or do, switch to a flat surface. No high speed or big strides, but try repeatedly smoothly running 20-25 meters. Some professional sprinters have returned to full blast competition in as little as 2-3 weeks.
Yeah I am use to ham string pulls. Probably had at least 3-4 in my life. Very active growing up, football, track and then I did triathlons for several years before finally completing 5 marathons in my 40's.

I haven't heard of the hill training you describe so I will be trying that starting today. Just happen to have a nice hill by my house. Thanks for the information.
Ok, since you are a runner I'll add some background. That protocol was developed by (disgraced) coach Charlie Francis who trained Ben Johnson among others. Once he was banned from athletics he wrote some books, made some training videos, and was quite accessible through his website until he died from cancer a few years ago now. I have followed his hamstring protocol successfully at least twice and it worked very well.
Headed to Laughlin, NV tomorrow for a little gambling. We stay at the very end casino and then walk to other end while playing. We do this 3-4 times a day and its 4 mile round trip. So be walking about 12+ miles a day for next 4 days. I think I am about healed from hamstring injury and think I am going to go ahead and do the half marathon in OKC in 2 months. We'll see how that plays out.
Sorry to hear that! I've done both sides. I chose my patellar tendon as opposed to a cadaver for the graft as it's supposed to aid in recovering strength, but it did make recovery more painful.
Pre op: if your ortho clears you, keep doing light exercises that don't produce lateral torque (I even ran on my torn leg the second time pre-op, but maybe that was a bad idea)

post-op: the ice machine is your friend
During pt, take it slow with regaining mobility and focus on strengthening stabilizers over the next 6-8 months. The biggest reason I tore my other leg seemed to be that leg was overcompensating for the weakness of the original injured leg
Boys....not new but don't post much. 34 and just tore my acl playing soccer. Been playing my whole life. Any pre/post op recommendations?
Boys....not new but don't post much. 34 and just tore my acl playing soccer. Been playing my whole life. Any pre/post op recommendations?
Maintain your range of motion.
Work on strength of quads, HS, and glut abductors. If you’ve been playing soccer I imagine your thighs are decent in terms of strength, and power. Be mindful of control, and coordination, which is easily overlooked, and can lead to injury.
See about pre-hab physical therapy.
Listen to your PT, get the MD’s protocol, have it explained to you and stick with it.
This is gonna be rough moving forward. Good luck.
⬆️ The way!

Don’t be suprised if the PT exercise seems more fit for an 88 yr. old at Happy Acres.
This happened to me for compressed vertebra causing headaches.
The day after my 1st visit, I discovered muscles I don’t think I ever used in my life, by moving my head foreword & back like a bird.
Today was the highest mileage walking between casinos. 13.7 miles for the day, 43 total miles for fri, sat, sun and today. Half marathon training starting tomorrow when I get home.
That's some great distance for walking! Have you been out of races for a bit and getting back in, or have you been doing races pretty steadily?