This is it!!!!

AAAARGH...! not cool at all!! Well I'm really sorry for you Olivier, isn't it something to do, like teaming up with a political party close to hunting and fishing association to get this law some modifications so carrying a knife could become legal with a little paperwork?
All those laws about forbidding guns and knives control are mostly demagoegic ones, the only way it can make sense, is when such laws are applied with a large degree of interpretation to let the police officer a latitude of responsability when it comes to seize a knife in the hands of someone having a threatening attitude. And maybe should everyone's task be to make understand to our politicians, that any law should have such kind of "true intelligence inside" (foremost in its appliance). If they don't understand what is intelligence... :grumpy: then as an old saying says: if you're not strong, be clever (... and run discrete!)

Note special Olivier:
Si la dictature c'est toujours: "ferme la!", la democratie c'est souvent: "cause toujours" ;)
To get this translated: If in a dictatorship, it's always "shut up", in a democracy it's often "argue forever"
What about chefs? Surely they can carry their cook's knife to and from work? Or a guy going fishing...did they ban fishing as well?

Everyone should be chef's and going fishing then...

Maybe Benchmade and Spyderco should come out with scissors just for the Danish market. That way you guys can still carry a BM or spydie around...heheheh

Seriously though...i pity you...

One of my favorite makers is from Denmark, Jens Ansø!!

Are they going to shut him down? Won't this be like making whiskey in the prohibition days??

This sucks! :mad:
I can see it now, a spydie with double opening , and closing holes!!

Benchmade, double afck with hinge!!
Either protest, or just move out of the country.
I posted that bit of news over at the main forum I hang around. Guess what a couple europeans said in reply?

Most european countries have laws to that effect. Carry any sort of knife without a very valid reason is an arrestable (or at least detainable) offence.

Makes sense to me, knife wounds are awful things.
I have to agree with that.

The next thing you know, the Germans will be coming. OOOps! Sorry, that all ready happened. :D

You need to pack your bags and come to America! Things here a little screwy but not as bad as a total ban on carrying a knife.
If you pass the test, yeah, I guess so!
Originally posted by oliverplomion
on my way!!!!!!!!!(have been volunteer fireman for a long period in France!):D

I went to Paris a few years ago with my wife (she speaks the language fluently) and I had the opprotunity to visit a firehouse. I gotta say it was an experience. Once my wife told them I was a firefighter from America we were the center of attention for the better part of the day. They made us lunch and we wound up staying for dinner. We compared European firefighting and American firefighting and though we do things a little different it all came down to putting the wet stuff on the red stuff! proove me than again, whatever where you're fireman, the spirit is everywhere the same, put your live on the line to save others... Unfortunately I can't be fireman in Denmark (even if I have a lot of diplomes as fireman in France)becaue I'm 173 centimer high...and in denmark to save lives you have to be 175 cm...:confused: thanks again for the pics of your CRK...mine should arrive tomorrow!!!:D
BAD publicity. What will they ban now, children?

Boy stabbed in school fight

A 14-year-old boy has died after being stabbed during a fight with another pupil at a school in Lincolnshire.

Police were called to Birkbeck School in North Somercotes, near Louth, shortly after 10am after reports of an altercation inside the school building.

The boy, locally named as Luke Walmsley, was taken to Grimsby Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Police said a 15-year-old boy has been arrested and is being questioned at Skegness police station. They confirmed a knife has been recovered from the scene.

A spokesman said a post-mortem examination on the boy's body will be carried out this evening. She said police will confirm further details about his killing after the cause of death has been confirmed.

The area where the fight took place, believed to be a corridor, has been cordoned off and is being searched by forensic science officers.

The school, which has 276 pupils between the ages of 11 and 16 and was recently awarded specialist arts status, was closed immediately and will be shut tomorrow.

Any pupils who witnessed the fight will be interviewed under the vulnerable witness scheme and questioned with their parents present, the spokesman added.
Bad news!

"the law now say Folder only max 2.75". one hand prohibed."

"Our dear Justice minister just made 2 new laws!
1 -Total prohibition of carry ANY type of knives on the street.
2 -Give the right to the police to empty the pocket of anyone they want!

yes people you read it right! We're in a Democratic country in 2003! Not in russia for 50 year ago! She say directly she propose this 2 new law to remove "unlegal knives" from the street! "


Any knife over 2.75" or one-hand opening is illegal.

How does making two-handed openers less than 2.75" (all remaining legal knives) also illegal remove the currently illegal knives from the street????

At first glance, declaring all remaining knives to be illegal increases the number of illegal knives on the street overnight. I don't think I'm overlooking something here.

From the descriptions, it doesn't sound like the law-abiding populace would vigorously attempt to prevent searches of their pockets by attacking the police with their 2.75" currently legal blades.

Not that I think that searches without cause are proper either, but the searching is the only part proposed that will remove currently illegal knives--outlawing more just adds to the task and is a distraction.

Argument that these two proposed laws work together to remove currrently illegal knives from the street would earn a failing grade in a jr. high school debate--at least it would have more than a few years ago.

Perhaps the real issue is one of control and "We know what's best for you" ?

"You elected the government so shut-up and let it decide for you!! We plan to decide more!!"


Time to move if you can, me thinks.