This is it!!!!

HI Mr Z...well Denmark is really not so liberal anymore...Funny enough, they want to prohibed to walk with a simple pocket knife (wich is a direct offense to our liberty) because they speak about weapon control,but a recent investigation show that the Danish Government wich should have destroyed their old military (M1 Garand riffles) in convention with NATO sold it to a lot of differents country on the black market!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: This same investigation showed how some normals criminals could buy some Danish Police Duty guns!!!! where is the logic??:confused:
Ferrous Wheel, you're right! What can they to a guy going around with "working clothes" with a tool bag? Screwdrivers and Spike hammer are still legals ;)

I assume you are thinking about danish laws regarding alcohol and drugs?
Not so liberal anymore! Heroin and the likes is still highly illegal to use and possess (although it has been mentioned in other threads that it's legal here). So is cannabis and other substances.
Now, to me at least, that is good! Drugs are killers and will often make killers out of "ordinary people".
What is happening with our weapons laws is insanity. The politicians are demonizing the object, but shying away from doing something about the real problem - the person using the knife/gun/whatever!
Why? because it's friggin easy! "Look, we are going to forbid knives in the public space! So there citizen, you are much safer now!":barf:
The people who carry a knife with an offensive purpose in mind, will give a rats a$$ about the laws and keep on carrying whatever they want, regardless of how long they go to jail (if they ever get caught, that is!).
Resistance if futile. Resistance is futile.

I really feel wierd. In a few months I will be a criminal. I am 39, middle-class, father to 3 kids, husband, got a good job, house, Weber barbecue, clean criminal record, etc.

I will be a criminal. Because I choose to carry a small EDC. Like a SAK. They say that you could get jail on your 2nd offence. :(

As someone said - better keep low profile. As I never go to discos anymore, the only place where I think I might go "undressed" will be to sports games where the probability of getting searched will be higher.

A sad sad moment. Unfortunately, I guess the entire parlament will vote for the law.

For those of you who reads Danish, here is a link to the dept. of justice (!)

Resistance if futile. Resistance is futile.
Just heard it on the news: the law proposal will not be approved by the parlament.The majority do not want to make every second adult male a criminal. So the government is back to square one.